

Oraelia lay on the banks of Radiance for a time, eyes shut as she listened to the sweet sounds of nature. She was happy with the Luminant, and she felt at home there. But the stirring in her heart for more, meant she could not rest just yet. She had barely seen the rest of the world, and she had so many ideas. With a longing sigh, she stood up and looked upon the lake once more, before taking on her domain form. She floated up, and within a second she was little more than a blip in the sky. 

She traveled north, until she came to a gloomy land full of marsh and plains. It was a different take on life, and one she found fascinating. There were hardly any inhabitants though in this empty land, so she decided to introduce species that would benefit from the marshes. Small amphibians with red and orange stripes came from twigs while large owls with wide eyes came from the leaves. More and more came, to fill the place with life. Oraelia then created wisps of gold who floated here and there, giving off a little light, with some warmth. They reminded her of the birds in the Luminant. Upon the plains she modified animals she had already created so that they were adapted to the new biome and added others yet unseen in the world. When she was satisfied she ventured west, to check on her Prairie.

However she was surprised to find another land where once was barren rock. Tall trees with rolling hills and crags. Vast open lands filled the dense areas in between with large rivers. Another land, with little life. As she thought on what to put there, she eventually reached the area where her prairie and the new biome met. Both areas fought each other for dominance, where sparse prairie interconnected with the trees, their roots battled for nutrients.

They needed a balance. Something to ensure no side ever overtook the other for too long. A new idea came to mind and Oraelia whistled and the ground shook, and from the tall grass, and behind the trees they came. Cousins to the common deer species she had littered across the continent. Yet these… These were of her specifically. Bucks and does of solar energy. They stood tall, but not as tall as her leons. The bucks were thicker than their lithe counterparts, to accommodate their solar crowns. Between the antlers of the bucks came an ethereal halo that radiated the light of her sun, and their power. These would serve a great purpose, to renew the land when it was time, by being reborn anew in flame. Evandra would like that, she thought. But it would serve as a practical use, by renewing the old growth into newer growth. As such, these… Auroran Deer, would reproduce much slower than their counterparts, and have shorter lifespans. For though they could be reborn from ash at the end of an old life, they were still mortal, as part of the cycle. 

They would call both lands their homes, renewing the land where they went. She liked the dynamic of the two lands, it reminded her of GIbbou and herself. She wondered how her little sister was doing. 

She continued on, off to find new lands to populate. Unbeknownst to her, a great diaspora was about to begin between the two biomes, where creatures from both sides would venture to the other.

Oraelia leave the Luminant and goes north where she finds the Weeping Plains. THere she gives it life, and adds her own species to the mix. Then she goes west, and finds the newest biome next to her prairie. Noting how the two biomes clash, she creates the Auroran Deer as a means of renewing the two biomes with flame. It all sorta reminds her of Gibbou.

[hider=MP summary]
Free- Added mundane creatures to The Weeping Plains.
-1MP(Discounted to 0 by Sunlight)- The Leeoli Wisps, golden motes that give off light and warmth in the Marshes of he Weeping Plains.
-1MP(3MP species in actuality) Auroran Deer. Creatures of renewal, they act as a phoenix would but without constraints. Native to both the new Tiaga/Boreal biome and the Prairie. 

1/5 for Healing Port
1/5 for Renewal Port