[hider=Sorin Olukani]
21 | 5’7 | B+[/center][/color]
[Sub][b][color=darkgray] A P P E R A N C E
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[color=Lightgray][I][indent]Sorin takes pride in her appearance when she can, though she tries to pretend that her deliberate beauty routine is a thing of happenstance. She braids her own hair or keeps it in an afro bun. Her demure fashion sense couples with the straight-backed poise which she carries herself with and often gets her mistakenly identified as someone of a higher class than she is. Her left hand is mottled pink with a burn scar and when she is uniform, she takes out all of her removable piercings. She enjoys wearing blue, yellow, white and gold and will incorporate these colours into her makeup.[/indent][/I][/color]
[Sub][b][color=darkgray] P E R S O N A L I T Y
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[color=Lightgray][I][indent]The fundamental concept behind Sorin’s behaviour is something along the lines of “I was blessed with two working legs, a sharp mind and a healthy body - I want to use it to its best potential”. Once you understand that, the rest of it makes sense - the daily prayers, early rises, strenuous workout routine, and late nights in the study halls. But it’s not a sustainable mindset and it hasn’t granted her any favours aside from the obvious improvements in her intellect and physique. She’s reserved to the point of coming off as cold, constantly in a state of stress, and awkward in any social situation that isn’t in a professional environment. She’s even developed a case of sleep maintenance insomnia because of it - though the strict routine of the WARDEN programme meant that the effects haven’t really been too pronounced due to the regimented bedtimes and access to medicine.

Most people who meet Sorin subsequently believe she’s an introverted, shy stick-in-the-mud. Whilst she’s pragmatic to a fault and knows when and when not to goof around, the Sorin that’s comfortable around her company has a dry sense of humour, boatloads of self-confidence and likes to annoy her squadmates with her nigh-undetectable sarcasm. She’s a bit of a worrywart too and when you’ve managed to worm your way into her very small list of people she cares about, she won’t stop haranguing you about staying safe and healthy.[/indent][/I][/color]
[Sub][b][color=darkgray] B A C K G R O U N D
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[color=Lightgray][I][Indent]Sorin is a first generation Trolin immigrant in Rassvet, with her parents working full-time. Her childhood, though difficult to recall now, mostly consisted of being looked after by her grandmother and playing with her siblings in the streets. Her mother was a greengrocer and her father worked as a mechanic. She had a pleasant albeit nondescript initial ten years of life and was reared to love Rassvet and respect the people who kept it safe from Vangar forces. It was perhaps this pro-government upbringing that stuck the most in her early days and shaped the course of her future for the next ten years to come. When the aptitude tests came in she was the only one out of her siblings who surpassed the baseline to be transferred into the Citadel, showing particular prowess in her magical capacities.

The transition into life at the Citadel was confusing but not necessarily unpleasant. Sorin held her own against the rowdier children and displayed curiosity as well as a keen ambition. Though she had yet to understand what the WARDEN programme entailed, she knew enough to know that it would involve defending Rassvet and was keen to show her gratitude through hard work and constant self-improvement. She pushed herself harder, trained for longer and studied better than her peers - with detriment to her physical and mental health. She did not make many friends during her initial three years as she also went through all the awkwardness of puberty. She obsessed over self-improvement to the point that she was losing sleep and injuring herself during training. Like many of the other overachievers in the classes, she caught the attention of the instructors and was given sterner guidance. Nevertheless, it was Otto who had managed to cut through her stubbornness and reveal the damage she was inadvertently inflicting upon herself. Though he was her polar opposite in most aspects - boisterous, overly confident and more keen on grabbing all the fame and glory that went with being a WARDEN - he had an infectious charisma that brought the young girl out of her shell a little and rubbed off on her. Whatever she saw in his words was lost on their superiors but she took heed of what he was telling her and adjusted appropriately.

There was, however, one crucial weak point in Sorin’s training. She had an interest in magic that bordered on obsessive and worsened with each passing day. Trolin was a harsher land than Rassvet and religion was a key aspect of her culture. Sorin had extensive theological debates about her right to manipulate the ‘Holy Mists’ as per their concordance with the Gods and that she should use their gift to its fullest extent. She had been in and out of the medical ward for minor cases of mistburn. Her instructors warned her, but her overambition had clashed horribly with her religious views. Not even her best friend could get through to her until she had managed to minorly burn her left hand and impeded her training. During her recovery period, Sorin visited the Cathedral of the Order of Dawn for spiritual guidance and returned with a more moderate approach and a freshly lit curiosity in healing. She turned her practice of faith from spellcraft to field medic training and began to garner an unofficial reputation for being available to patch up any injuries students were too embarrassed to go to the medical ward for - or too worried about getting caught.

During the latter half of Sorin’s training, she bulked up. Now that she realised she couldn’t rely on her magical prowess alone, she was often seen sparring with Otto in the fields and instead poured her combat specialisation into marksmanship. She also took supplementary classes to become an official field medic. When she was grouped into a squad, she began to come out of her shell in increments. She even went to a few parties and festivals (albeit with some cajoling and persuasion from her squadmates). When the group dynamic shrank into a smaller team she was able to flourish and showed leadership capabilities from time to time; ultimately, Sorin graduated as a third class due to lingering anxieties of a relapse into her magic-worshipping early years and the subsequent note put on her record because of it.[/indent][/I][/color]

[Sub][b][color=darkgray] C O M B A T
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[color=Lightgray][I][indent] Sorin can best be described as a supporting agent on the field. She specialises in long distance precision shots with a bolt-action sniper rifle as well as close quarters melee and unarmed combat. She uses her surroundings to her advantage whenever possible. Given time and equipment, she’d be a better asset as a sniper tucked away in a corner somewhere to provide cover fire. She particularly excelled in guerilla combat during training. Magic-wise, Sorin specialised as a healer and took extra courses in first-aid in order to be able to qualify as a medic. Her bulky stature lets her carry a little more equipment without detriment to her movement which she uses for medical supplies and her large rifle.[/indent][/I][/color]
[Sub][b][color=darkgray] N O T E S
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[color=Lightgray][I][indent]Sorin took up knitting within her second year of training in order to offset the mental and physical strain of her ambitious routine. It’s a simple, mindless activity that she can do when she can’t sleep. If she knows your character’s measurements, she’ll gradually make hats, gloves, blankets, small toys and scarves. She will give them to you, regardless of the month and the weather. And she gets despondent when you do not use them in the cold.[/indent][/I][/color]
