Well this looks interesting... Didn't look at the interest check, but hopefully you have room for another? [B]Name:[/B] Desmond Ludwik [B]Age:[/B] 26 [B]Region of Origin:[/B] Orre [B]Character Description:[/B] Standing at 5'11", Desmond is a rather thin individual with pale skin, medium length white hair, and yellow eyes that have rather dark circles under them. The expression on his face is usually blank, as his eyes do most of the expressing by being constantly observant, keeping steadily locked onto points of interest. Some facial hair can be seen on his chin and under his nose, though it's not much now, it could very well become more apparent in the coming days. His nose is rather small, and along with the rest of his nonexistent features, makes his face look rather flat, and overall, boring. His usual attire consists of a thin gray sweater, a red sleeveless coat, dark green jeans with a red belt that matches his coat holding them up, and white sneakers. Though they will sometimes be stuffed in his back pocket, he also has two necklaces. Usually wearing either both, or neither of them. They are both made of silver, the designs on them being a book, and a star, expressing his love for reading under starlit sky. Other than that, like anyone with common sense he also has a backpack filled with supplies, as well as a few trinkets from home to hopefully keep his spirits up. [B]Personality:[/B] Desmond is rather quiet, though not shy by any means, having gotten over that years ago. He is very focused on his studies and mission, preferring to use his brain rather than brawn. Not that his bodybuild would exactly allow him to make a brawn approach to his situations, anyways. He is observant of others, Human and Pokemon alike, understanding their emotions quite well and not often getting upset at others for harsh words, especially in difficult situations. He knows when trying to comfort someone won't work, and when it just might have an effect. Giving his past, Desmond is very respectful when it comes to Pokemon and how they are treated. The easiest way to anger him is by mistreating a Pokemon, to which he will step in and try and assist the situation, though most of the time it comes off as him scolding. Which while it isn't on purpose, it's fitting enough to work. More on the topic of his Pokemon, Desmond only has his closest friends as teammates. They have been through thick and thin, and have experienced many adventures, as well as battles. He treats them like family, and they all treat him the same. A truly loving and caring bond between Pokemon and Trainer... [B]Brief History:[/B] [Hider=Birth to Eleven]Born in Phenac City fifteen years after the second Shadow Pokemon Epidemic, Desmond was the son of a young man named Michael, and a beautiful woman named Joessa. Both had wanted a son, and their wish had been granted with the white-haired boy, who was raised with love and care each day. Though he mostly spent time with his mother, considering his father was a busy man, working in Professor Krane's Pokemon Lab studying Pokemon Purification. As Desmond got older, he became interested in both Pokemon, and his father's work. At the age of ten his father finally brought him to the Lab, and he was shown the many wonders inside. He became absolutely fascinated with the Purification Chamber and it's abilities. His father explained to him about the Shadow Pokemon, and how the machine was used to turn them back to normal. But it could only be done after much love and care was shown to the emotionally-harmed creatures. Michael knew the boy had a pure heart, and was as caring as could be. It made him proud to call the boy his son, and knew he could be a huge help to the studies of Pokemon, as well as Pokemon Purification. On Desmond's eleventh birthday, he was given a Pokemon. A Mareep, that he named Fluff. The two became close quickly, and did everything together. She was never inside her Pokeball for long, and was always at his side to help him when needed. The pair weren't too involved in battling, Desmond being too scared of Fluff getting hurt. Eventually Michael eased him into battling, and he and Fluff took the other kids in Phenac by storm. They were a perfect pair, using crafty combinations and thoughtful techniques to take down the competition, even in the Pre-Gym. Desmond was becoming a strong trainer already, and Fluff was the great Pokemon by his side.[/Hider] [Hider=Twelve to Fifteen]A few weeks after Desmond turned twelve, his parents had finally decided he was ready to go out on his own. Michael gave him a task; to use his kind and understanding heart to get close and study the feelings, the emotions, of Pokemon. Desmond of course accepted, though he was worried about leaving home. His father trusted him with multiple items; Pokeballs, Notepads and pens to write down what he learned, a few basic supplies for him and his Pokemon, and his old Hover Scooter to make traversing Orre's desert easier. Desmond went on his way, and began travelling the region of Orre, and it's many wonders. In his travels, he met many trainers, and strange people as well. He learned there were some people out there that simply didn't care for the feelings of Pokemon, two in particular being a blue-haired man that never gave him a name. He questioned Desmond's motives and deemed his journey pointless as well as fruitless for him in the end. Taking great offense to this, Desmond battled the man, and was defeated rather easily by the group of very powerful Pokemon he wielded. It was on this day that Desmond vowed to become a strong trainer, and surpass everyone who would dream of hurting Pokemon. He'd take down that man as well, once he was better... He continued travelling Orre, battling trainers, protecting Pokemon, and learning about how they felt. He occasionally visited his parents to tell them about his experiences, only to head back out and continue. Eventually he had multiple partners, and they were all very trustworthy in his opinion. His little Mareep grew to become a powerful Ampharos, and the teammates that fought with her in battle were just as talented. Desmond took pride in his wonderful Pokemon, because they had good hearts, and fought fair, never resorting to cheating. At the age of sixteen, Desmond took on the biggest challenge in Orre; Mt. Battle. He was required to win one hundred battles without a single loss, and people thought it was crazy for him to approach without a full team of Pokemon. Even without a full team, he managed to get a streak of 74 wins before finally losing. It was at this point Desmond realized he needed more friends. More teammates. But he didn't have a single clue as to where he'd find them. He also had seen everything Orre had to offer; and needed new land. A new region...[/Hider] [Hider=Sixteen to Twenty]Taking a long deserved rest from travelling, Desmond spent half a year with his father working at the Lab. Sometimes taking a day to himself to relax with his Pokemon. Once he hit the age of seventeen though, he decided it was time to move on. He spoke to his father about other regions, and his father suggested Johto. Desmond liked what he was told of the place, and departed around a week later. His Johto Journey was much more focused on battles. He took on the gyms of Johto, sharpening the skills of him and his team. As his team grew, so did he. Feeling more mature. After he had all eight badges, it was certainly possible for him to take on the league. But he didn't want to. He felt strong enough, and decided to go back to his studies rather than focus on battling any longer. He met a girl by the name of Ramona, their fondness for Pokemon and proper care making them become friends quite easily. They traveled Johto together for awhile, but like all good things, it came to an end when Ramona had decided to take a trip to SInnoh, instead of coming to see Desmond's home region of Orre.[/Hider] [Hider=Twenty to Present Time]Coming back to Orre much stronger, and older, Desmond made returning to his family his first priority. After a welcome home party, by his family and friends in Phenac, Desmond knew he had a task to do now that he was on home turf. He returned to Mt. Battle, more experienced. Stronger. Smarter. He took the challenge by storm, and defeated all one-hundred trainers with the help of his team. After winning the final match, Desmond was deemed the champion of Mt. Battle, and took his spot as number one. Now twenty-six, he casually continues his studies, while also accepting battles from those who reach him on Mt. Battle. Or at least he did, before The End Cult appeared. Claiming the world had one month left... Desmond was concerned by this, and the higher-ups of the region requested his assistance in dealing with the matter. Desmond wasn't sure what awaited him, but couldn't let this go. He was to bring a team with him, and he choose to bring the best trainers he knew. The four that served as the 5th, 4th, 3rd, and 2nd of Mt. Battle. A researcher from the Lab had also requested to go with them, but Desmond refused, assuring her that he would do more research than she could possibly imagine, due to his curiosity. All that was left was to go. And go he did, wanting to get to the bottom of the matter, and help all of those in the world who needed it.[/Hider] [B]Pokemon Team:[/B] [Hider=Fluff the Female Ampharos]Fluff was Desmond's starter Pokemon, and his most trusted friend. She is willing to fight to the end for him, and is very protective of him in general. Her signature move is Thunder Punch. Her other moves are Zap Cannon, Cotton Spore, and Dragon Pulse. Her Ability is Static. [IMG]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2009/348/c/6/Ampharos_by_Xous54.png[/IMG][/Hider] [Hider=Smog the Male Magcargo]Smog is a calm and collected individual, often taking everything with a grain of salt. His signature move is Flamethrower. His other moves are Ancient Power, Body Slam, and Yawn. His ability is Flame Body. [IMG]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/267/5/d/219__magcargo_by_happycrumble-d2zecvf.png[/IMG][/Hider] [Hider=Hectic the Female Heracross]Hectic is the most hot-headed of Desmond's Pokemon, always raring for a fight. Her signature move is Mega Horn, Her other moves are Close Combat, Counter, and Aerial Ace. Her ability is Guts. [IMG]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2009/363/7/d/Heracross_by_Xous54.png[/IMG][/Hider] [Hider=Tress the Nidoqueen]Tress is a motherly figure, caring for Desmond and her teammates like they were all her children. She sometimes likes to carry Desmond around on her back, and loves to impress her trainer in battle. Her signature move is Super Power. Her other moves are Return, Earthquake, and Sludge Bomb. Her ability is Rivalry. [IMG]http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y73/EdandEin/kittyz%20xtraz/nidoqueen.png[/IMG][/Hider] [Hider=Raph the Male Crobat]Raph considers himself better than everyone else on the team, though everyone else seems to think it's a joke, which irritates him. His signature move is Cross Poison. His other moves are Air Slash, Screech, and Double Team. His ability is Inner Focus. [IMG]http://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/200H/i/2011/092/a/a/crobat_by_earlgengar-d3d2uqb.png[/IMG][/Hider] [Hider=Psyches the Male Wigglytuff]Psyches isa prankster and fan of jokes, no matter how bad. He loves messing with Desmond and his teammates, as well as his opponents. His signature move is Play Rough. His other moves are Fling, Covet, and Attract. His ability is Competitive. [IMG]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/194/8/6/wigglytuff_by_wndyxxox-d3q3r95.gif[/IMG][/Hider] [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGIR8gOmCuM]Encounter! Researcher Desmond (Desmond's Theme)[/URL] [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6Mj-_KHcIs]Battle! Vs. Desmond[/URL]