For once since a very long time, Araki was glad to see the dawn and sunrise. A shaky sigh escaped as the first rays of dawn began to chase the night out and when he surveyed his surroundings again. Unpleasant didn’t even begin to describe the night before, and frankly Araki felt the urge to run, run away from Cykes even more intensely now. The familiar sensation, whatever it was, had only grown stronger as the night had dragged on. He had found himself staring through the forest in the direction of Cykes unable to sleep, only to frown as an unsettling feeling gathered in the pits of his stomach. He couldn’t be sure, but the suspicion that things would not be good when he returned to Cykes was completely unshakeable. If he closed his eyes and tried to focus he could still just barely feel the tug and call that had kept him awake. The two were so faint and ephemeral that it was impossible to tell anything other than they existed, but it was enough to set the hybrid on edge. With a displeased growl, Araki swung himself off tree that had sheltered him for the night. The sun was still creeping over the horizon and the air was just a tad chilly, enough that his breath fogged up for just a moment when he exhaled. His landing was far from subtle and the forest around him came alive; birds flying away in a panic and the underbrush was filled with the sounds scurrying critters. He paused only to grab out a chunk of dried meat from his bag before he took off, racing through the forests. Perhaps unconsciously, or maybe just by some coincidence of pathing, but by the time Araki came to a full stop within the clearing he could most certainly feel the remnants of the magic that had been used nearby. It was practically non-existent by now, but he was wreathed in an aura of his own magical energy, and the reactions were quite noticeable. As curious as he was to find out what sort of magic had been used nearby, he had something else to be concerned with at the moment. Whoever was crashing through the trees towards him certainly wasn’t trying to approach with any manner of stealth and the direction also meant it was unlikely to be from Cykes, so he could wait. Araki could safely say that he really hadn’t expected some random stranger to run out from the treeline, alongside a djinn, screaming his name. He glanced between the two individuals before he slowly brought his hands up, curling them into fists. [b]“Who are you? How do you know me?” [/b]The fact that this stranger knew his name was concerning, perhaps equally as concerning as the djinn that apparently followed him.