((Note: "Aaron" and "Grovyle" will be used interchangeably.)) Terry and Alex stand on opposing sides of the battlefield, Aaron and Houndoom glaring each other down. The referee steps onto his small platform and clears his throat. "This match shall be a one-on-one battle. Each trainer will select only one Pokemon each, and the match will continue until one or both Pokemon are unable to battle. Trainers, select your Pokemon now!" "I'll be using Aaron, of course," said Terry. His Grovyle stepped forward onto the field in response. Alex nodded at Houndoom, who stepped out onto his side. "The Pokemon have been chosen!" announced the referee. "Let the match... BEGIN!" "Fire Fang, now!" Alex shouted almost immediately. Houndoom charged forward, his fangs wrapped in a red-hot flame. He leapt, fangs bared, at Grovyle. "Dodge, and use Aerial Ace - full speed!" came Terry's response. Aaron leapt back in time to avoid Houndoom's attack, then leapt high into the air. With a quick backflip, he dove and flew right at Houndoom. "Use Headbutt!" Houndoom ran at full speed, meeting Grovyle's attack head-on (literally), and both Pokemon are knocked back. Houndoom slides backwards, managing to keep his balance. Aaron, however, was not so fortunate; caught off-guard by the unexpected counter-attack, he is sent flying back toward Terry and lands with an audible "Oof!" "Wha- He can keep up with that?!" Terry exclaims in shock. He hadn't been expecting Houndoom to be so fast. Alex grins, but quickly returns to his usual frown. "Fire Fang, again!" Houndoom charges forward again, and this time Aaron is unable to dodge in time. Houndoom sinks his burning fangs into Grovyle's side, and Aaron cries out in pain! He desperately flails at his attacker, but Aaron can't get Houndoom to let go. "Aaron, use Slam!" Terry shouts. Grovyle whips his head in a circle, sending the long leaf on his head slamming into Houndoom's side, knocking him off and sending him flying back. "Great job! Now use Agility!" Aaron takes off running at an incredible speed, even faster than when he had used Aerial Ace. He catches up to Houndoom just as he lands on his side, growling in pain as he does so. "And Double Team!" Terry shouts again. Suddenly, there are [i]three[/i] Grovyle surrounding the fallen Houndoom. "Houndoom, get up! Now!" Alex yells as Houndoom scrambles to his feet. The sight of three Grovyle shocks Houndoom, but he quickly adopts a combat pose, growling at the three opponents. Alex clenches his fist at his side; a mistake here could cost him the match. "The right one! Attack now!" Houndoom leaps to his right, tackling the Grovyle to the ground! Suddenly, it vanishes! [i]An illusion?! No![/i] "Houndoom!" "Too late!" Terry shouts. "Finish this, Aaron! Use Brick Break!" Grovyle's fist glows as he and his remaining illusion charge at Houndoom. Having been fooled by Double Team, Houndoom can't react in time, and Grovyle's attack slams into his side, sending him soaring back toward Alex; a critical hit! Houndoom hits the ground hard. Really hard. And he doesn't get back up. Alex stands in shock as his partner hits the ground. Terry glares at Alex, who had acted so arrogant, as the referee raises his flag, and Alex closes his eyes in defeat. "Houndoom is unable to battle! Grovyle is the winner! The victory goes to-" "Grr..." Alex's eyes snap back open. Terry is staring wide-eyed at Houndoom, who is slowly struggling to get back to his feet. Neither trainer can believe their eyes; even Alex had thought that last attack was it. As both trainers stare, Houndoom continues to shakily attempt to rise. He slips once, falling back to the ground, but almost immediately begins to struggle again. Terry recovers first. "Might as well finish with a flourish. Aaron, use Leaf Blade!" Grovyle charges ahead, his two glowing blades forming on his arms. He leaps high into the air, does a stylish 360, and falls right toward Houndoom, whose legs gave out on him yet again. There's no way he'll avoid it. Suddenly, Alex sprints out onto the field, sliding to a stop right between Aaron and Houndoom. He spreads his arms out defiantly and waits for Grovyle's attack. Terry's jaw drops as Aaron's Leaf Blade cuts a long, bloody gash across Alex's left arm, Aaron having barely enough time to divert his full attack. Alex grits his teeth and growls in pain, but he refuses to budge an inch. As Aaron lands and leaps back to his trainer, a silence born of shock descends over the battlefield. Terry can only stare as Alex brings his arms down, his wound now weeping fresh blood. "...You win. I forfeit the match." Alex pulls out a Pokeball and points it at Houndoom, who disappears into it. Without another word, he walks off the field. The referee recovers from his own surprise and announces Terry as the winner. Terry barely hears him. He's still trying to understand what he had just seen.