[center][h1][color=yellow]~O~                                  [/color]
[color=98ff98]Illyd Dyll[/color][/h1][/center]

[color=violet]“Mmm… that one is rather dim-witted, I think,”[/color] Cadien remarked as the god-child disappeared through the portal. Illyd Dyll let out a lone and confused note from his banjo.

[color=98ff98]“Who was that?”[/color] Illyd replied as he prepared a second note, just as slow as the conversation. 

Cadien shrugged. [color=violet]“I have no idea, truth be told,”[/color] he admitted. [color=violet]“One of our fellow gods, I suppose. Rather strange, for her to take such a form and act in such a manner.”[/color]

[color=98ff98]“Such is the wiles of the world, I guess,”[/color] Illyd strummed his banjo, fingers trying to find the right note, [color=98ff98]“What was your name, again?”[/color]

[color=violet]“Cadien,”[/color] he said with a slight nod. [color=violet]“The God of Perfection. I must say, this is a lovely place you’ve put together.”[/color]

[color=98ff98]“I ‘ppreciate the compliment but truth be told, I don’t even remember putting it together,”[/color] Illyd Dyll looked up from his instrument, a goofy smile on his face, [color=98ff98]“Kinda funny, huh? So what do you like to do for fun?”[/color]

[color=violet]“I like to create things, and improve them,”[/color] Cadien shrugged. [color=violet]“Alas, after I was separated from Galbar I had nobody to share them with. Until now, anyway. What about you?”[/color]

[color=98ff98]“Yeah! I get that,”[/color] Illyd nodded, [color=98ff98]“I was jus’ talking about how I wish I had someone to share a few things with and then out of nowhere, I hear you and your tiny friend in the wheat -- now we are talking.”[/color] Dyll’s face brightened with a thought, [color=98ff98]“Oh hey! Do you want some fruit?” [/color]

The God nodded. “I would,” he said with a smile.

[color=98ff98]“Great!”[/color] Illyd Dyll started walking away, fiddling with his instrument, [color=98ff98]“there are a few trees over this way, real plump apples -- red as can be.”[/color] Confident that Cadien was following him he mulled for a moment before asking, [color=98ff98]“So who is Galbar? Lady friend?”[/color]

[color=violet]“Hm?”[/color] Cadien looked at him with a touch of confusion as he followed behind him. [color=violet]“No. It’s the world we left behind. Remember?”[/color]

[color=98ff98]“Can’t say I do,”[/color] Illyd Dyll pinched his chin and slung his instrument over his back, [color=98ff98]“But then again, remember hasn’t been exactly my strong suit as of late.”[/color]

[color=violet]“That’s troubling,”[/color] Cadien commented with a touch of concern. [color=violet]“And the way that goddess acted… perhaps the separation had more severe effects then I realized…”[/color]

Illyd stopped in front of the tiny copse that held his hammock and turned to Cadien, [color=98ff98]“Now that’s quite possible, maybe even a certainty. It certainly does sound like a traumatic.. Er...”[/color] He reached up and the tree deposited an apple into his hand, [color=98ff98]“Scenario.”[/color] He stretched his arm out towards Cadien,[color=98ff98] “But nothin’ like a lil snack to help with thinkin’”[/color]

Cadien accepted the apple with a nod, took a bite, then swallowed. [color=violet]“To summarize what happened, then. I come from a land called Galbar - a land where people like us walk as gods, capable of shaping it and adding to it as we please. Unfortunately, a strange and unseen force known as the Lifeblood, for some reason, decided I wasn’t welcome there, and threw me out. I was sent to another… world… I think, and I shaped it to my liking, but I was alone. Then a strange gateway appeared, and it led to a new world with other gateways. That is how I got here. So it stands to reason that the other gods, such as you and that girl from before, suffered the same fate as I. But with different results.”[/color] He punctuated the deduction with another bite from the apple.

[color=98ff98]“Hm,”[/color] Illyd Dyll hummed as he nibbled on a straw of wheat. Plucking it out of his mouth he aimed it at Cadien, [color=98ff98]“So there’s no going back, then?”[/color]

He shrugged, and a sad look appeared on his face. [color=violet]“Nothing I tried has worked. Though, if I’m right, and all the gods are coming back together… perhaps that might change.”[/color] He looked back toward the portal. [color=violet]“Speaking of which, someone out there might have known you before you ended up here. Perhaps they can shed some further light.”[/color]

[color=98ff98]“Well,”[/color] Illyd Dyll flicked the chewed up straw to the ground and took a moment to think, [color=98ff98]“I s’pose it wouldn’t be right of me not to at least check this out for myself. You’ve convinced me Cadien, let’s have a walk.”[/color] He turned to his hammock and began to untie it from the branches.

[color=violet]“That’s the spirit!”[/color] the God smiled. [color=violet]“Though… I suppose it’s also possible that you’re not from Galbar at all, but an entirely different world.”[/color] He scratched the back of his head. [color=violet]“That’d be confusing. I suppose we’ll find out one way or another. Let’s go!”[/color]

[color=98ff98]“Now that would be.. Er.”[/color] Illyd Dyll pondered the right word as he rolled a bunch of apples into his hammock, [color=98ff98]“a conundrum.”[/color] He winked and tossed his makeshift sack of fruit over his shoulder. His eyes widened, [color=98ff98]“Oop! Almost forgot.”[/color] Acting quickly, he scooped up his harp and banjo, slinging them over the other shoulder, [color=98ff98]“Right.”[/color] He looked around, [color=98ff98]“Need a bite before we go?”[/color]

Cadien shrugged, took another bite of his apple, and then began making his way toward the portal, Illyd trailing behind -- and only occasionally getting distracted by a colorful dragonfly or hovering moth.

Picking up from where we last saw Cadien and Illyd, they briefly discuss Genesis then Galbar. Illyd feeds Cadien while they talk about the separation and how Illyd doesn’t remember jack shit about any of this. In the end, Cadien convinces Illyd to follow him into antiquity for answers, and our journey begins.