[center][img]https://www.mobafire.com/images/champion/skins/landscape/ekko-true-damage.jpg[/img][/center] 'If it were a shorter distance I could just skip this test entirely' alas his clone only had around 100 meters in range from him. Still he would be lying to himself if the thought of instantly passing the test didn't put a smile on his face. That would surely leave a lasting impression. But as it stands that wouldn't be possible, so he needed a plan. Doppel's plan more or less came to finding a way to sneak around and get to the goal. That was the only goal after all, fighting seems more or less unnecessary. Now he just needed to find someone else who would grab some attention. [center][color=fff200]"PHOENIX DAWN HAS ARRIVED"[/color][/center] Perfect, Doppel had met Dawn already in the cafe and he would more than fit the job. Of course Doppel would feel bad just leaving him behind so a team up seemed in order. [color=6ecff6]"Yo Dawn, how you doing? You want to help each other out in the exam? Teamwork is never looked down on in the world of heroes."[/color] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/688120321793851514/691229941299281950/doppel.png[/img][/center]