Aurora continued watching the other beachgoers, pen and pad in hand. She was so enthralled that when the storm began she was taken by surprise. She quickly tried to write down what was happening, she just needed to get it down, then she could cut it away, right? She might pass out, but she wouldn't get wet. Wait... that's a little more than a storm.

Uh oh.


Aurora groaned and pushed herself to her knees, her mind taking a moment to scan her surroundings. She could tell from a glance that this wasn't the beach that she'd just been on... yesterday? Whatever, it was different, she was observant enough to notice. How totally bogus. How'd she even get here? Was it that storm?

Woah, she wasn't alone, a bunch of the people she'd seen on the beach before were waking up too. They were reacting in their very human ways, and Aurora made a mental note of all of their reactions, as she didn't have her notebook on her anymore. Oh, there it was, how lucky. Aurora was mildly annoyed with being tossed onto a deserted island, but with her notebook she had perfect recall of her plot, she'd write it on bark and leaves if needbe, but she had all she needed. Rescue would be nice, but so long as she left her work behind and someone found it? She could sit here and die for all it mattered to her.

She noticed a girl near her in the sand, looking around in disbelief, before burying her face in her hands. Well, that meant not good things. Aurora stood, gathering her notebook, which, thank god, still had a pen with it, and making her way over. She cursed at the fact that she was still clad in only a swimsuit, but that was fine, it didn't matter. She approached the girl and crouched next to her.

"Hey. You okay and stuff?" she asked, trying to sound interested despite that being the antithesis of her normal behavior.