Alright so here is the CS as promised, and I'll edit this into the OP as well.

[hider=CS Template]
[b]Name:[/b] Try to stay on theme for our Egyptian/Persian/Babylonian inspired setting. It's fine if your name is gibberish, because if you name your character "Set" or "Horus" or something like that I'm going to roll my eyes at you.

[b]Age:[/b] Your character is 16, that is the age of commencement for Sorcerer-Novitiates. I'm putting this in the CS so there is no confusion about this fact.

[b]Appearance:[/b] Simple enough, describe or provide images for your character's appearance. Art or photos are fine as long as they're on-theme for the setting. I'd prefer a more setting-agnostic looking character that could still fit over someone in a Cleopatra halloween costume, if you catch my meaning.

[b]Background:[/b] What walk of life does your character come from? What was their upbringing like? Who is their family? What academy did they attend? If they come from the Pesedjet, how did they become enrolled in that prestigious school?

[b]Personality:[/b] Just give me a general feel for your character. Their attitudes, what drives them, what they want out of life. Their feelings toward magic and their imminent commencement would also be good to note here.

[b]Aptitude:[/b] Naturally your character is a novice, but they may still yet be a prodigy. What aspects of magic have they taken to most strongly thus far? Have they taken to any discipline with particular zeal? Do they wish to pursue anything as a specialty? This will likely determine what Cult inducts them, so be mindful of this.

[b]Tutelary:[/b] This is the fun part; what is your Tutelary? It is up to you if your character has summoned theirs yet or not, and if not this is what they will eventually summon. What do they look like (feel free to include images), and what sort of personality do they have? What is their attitude toward their novice master?[/hider]

Here is a sample CS, I may or may not actually play this character, but still feel free to use it as a reference point for what I generally want to see.

[hider=Sample CS]
[b]Name:[/b] Sekhandur Khain

[b]Age:[/b] 16

[b]Appearance:[/b] [url=]Sekhandur[/url] is tall and well-built for his age, giving some the impression of a man grown. Regal and statuesque in appearance, with dusky skin, thick dark hair, and eyes of glimmering gold. He dresses in rich adornments: gold, silks, gemstones, all to demonstrate his wealth and prestige.

[b]Background:[/b] The family of Khain is a noble bloodline, tracing its roots back to the founding of Photep. While they have maintained their position of power and aristocracy for generations, Sekhandur is the first of his lineage to display any particular aptitude for magic. While his father, a lord of Photep's lower districts, would have preferred his firstborn son to inherit his holdings, his family had begrudgingly allowed him to pursue the life of a Sorcerer. Accustomed to a life of wealth and comfort, it was a simple task for Sekhandur to be enrolled in the Pesedjet, where his budding talents truly blossomed. He took to magic like a goose to water, and graduated from the academy with assessment results only exceeded by historical masters of sorcery.

[b]Personality:[/b] Sekhandur is supremely arrogant, vain, and narcissistic, but he is not a malicious soul. He truly does believe that he is a superior being compared to most individuals, but does not fault them for it, rather seeing himself as an exemplar for others to look up toward. To that end, he is his own harshest critic, and sets extremely high standards for his own achievements, working as hard as he can to live up to these self-imposed expectations. He has a profound and genuine love for magic, and is excited to make it his life's work, and on the eve of his commencement can barely contain himself with anticipation.

[b]Aptitude:[/b] A prodigy among prodigies, Sekhandur has completed and exceeded the Pesedjet curriculum for every magical discipline within their sanction for instruction. Among these, he has shown a particular talent for Telekinesis, his aptitude for the most materially-focused discipline perhaps stemming from his materialistic upbringing.

[b]Tutelary:[/b] As expected from one of such rich talents, Sekhandur summoned his Tutelary a full year before most students made their first attempts, and as such has spent much time bonding and becoming accustomed to her. His companion is called Nedjem, and takes the form of a living statue of a lynx, carved from shimmering blue gemstone and adorned with gold. Nedjem is arrogant as her master, but a great deal more condescending and cruel in comparison to him. The only human she has met that she considers her peer is Sekhandur himself, and she thinks the world of her master. Nedjem is intensely protective of Sekhandur, and tends to interpose herself between him and those she deems unworthy of his attention.[/hider]