[hider=Captain America, Post 3]A great action sequence to start us off and it makes it clear that whoever Frank is after are clearly prepared for him, and we maybe need to take their organisation a little more seriously. The tech involved for the surveillance blocking suggests some serious money and capability as well. Love Batroc’s cameo and the homage to MCU’s best offering, and it’s a well-written combat scene that really shows us how much the tech in the suit does for Frank. I am hoping we eventually get to see Frank without the supporting gadgets and see his legendary pain tolerance and iron will. The french was interesting - what’s the Heart, and why are these mercs protecting it - and the blue canister is another mystery to solve. Looking forward to more of this mission.[/hider]

I'll clear up part of this right now, sorry if it wasn't clear enough in the post. The 'heart' is whatever is [i]inside[/i] the blue canister. So a single mystery there instead of two separate ones.

Also, I'm going to try and square away time this week to get out another post. I don't want to end up losing motivation due to weeks of inactivity from the pandemic. The next post was always meant to be shorter/simpler, anyway, so I should be able to find the time among this mess.