
At the edge of a pond, Evandra relaxed her partially submerged body. The boiling water filled her surroundings with steam, and although it made it somewhat difficult to take in the view, she didn’t mind it in the slightest. All the Goddess cared about at the moment was the warm sensation that only hot water could provide.

And it was its sudden disappearance that caught her attention. [color=ed1c24]“Hmm?”[/color] She opened her eyes to see what was happening only to see that the water was also disappearing. [color=ed1c24]“What?”[/color] Not only the water, but the steam as well as the forest that should be beyond its walls were also fading.

She stood up from the water and looked around herself frantically. [color=ed1c24]“What’s going on?!”[/color] The world faded more and more. Faint transparency gave way to darkening until nothing but a black void remained. [color=ed1c24]“NO!”[/color] Her scream sounded different in the darkness. [color=ed1c24]“Give it back to me!”[/color] She willed the void away. [color=ed1c24]“Let me return!”[/color] Her surroundings gradually took shape, returning the pond and the forest into view. It worked, if for a moment. Sharp pain spread through her body in a way she couldn’t describe. Divine as she was she had never felt pain before. The black void resumed. Evandra screamed from her core in agony, the sound dwarfing even that of her birth. Certainly all of Galbar would’ve heard it, but there were none to hear it here. 

She could barely stay on her feet. With an audible [i]thuds[/i] she banged against the wall repeatedly. [color=ed1c24]“Let me return…”[/color] Her knees buckled and she fell on them. [color=ed1c24]“Please… Let me…”[/color] She wept. And how did she weep. What she loved most, her everything was denied to her. [color=ed1c24]“Oraelia… Cadien…”[/color] She called the siblings she had met. [color=ed1c24]“Enlil… Marduk… Nergal… Inanna... Irkalla…”[/color] And then she called her heroes. [color=ed1c24]“Anyone…”[/color]

Leaning against the wall she cried in grief and solitude. Time passed without her noticing. She couldn’t care for its passing over the pain of her broken heart.

Eventually, though, it subsided just enough for her to notice it. She lifted her head up and looked at the nothingness. [color=ed1c24]“Why is there a wall here…?”[/color] Ever since she was rejected this wall was there, but she was too emotional to notice. [color=ed1c24]“Did I…”[/color] She laid her palm on the wall. The featureless, invisible surface gained color. Brown like mud spread through the dark as if ink had been poured over it until all of its surface was covered.

She looked down. The ground too gained the same color. Returning to her feet, Evandra walked into the void as the ground formed before her and two more walls followed. [color=ed1c24]“As Galbar came from the Lifeblood, so shall my world. We gods come from the same source, the void is just another canvas.”[/color] She walked up a ramp that lead into a plateau. The walls that formed along her path converged and formed a fourth. Above her a ceiling had formed as well. She looked down at the empty space and a stack of hay was formed from the ether. It was much like the ones she had been offered in the villages she had visited, but now she felt as if it wasn’t enough. The hay transformed into a wide bed, its mattress adorned in a lilac sheet. Evandra touched  it and she felt softness like never before.

She looked back from where she had been weeping and found that it had been darkened as if the void was attempting to seize the space for itself. Fire formed from her feet and spread down the ramp, illuminating the way. It crawled up the walls and reached the edge of the ceiling, where a gap was formed as if to invite the fire in.

Evandra looked over the chamber she formed for herself. It was warm from her fires and cozy, it wasn’t nearly enough to dispel the look of dejection still covering her face. [color=ed1c24]“This world is still just as empty…”[/color] She laid down on the bed, resting her head against a pillow matching the sheet, and closed her eyes. One final tear flowed across her face.

Evandra's chilling on a hot spring when she's taken back into the Lifeblood. When she realizes what's happening she throws a fit and tries to go back, but the Lifeblood blocks her and the pain overwhelms her. She accidentally makes a wall to bang her hands on as she calls for the Gods and humans she met.

She cries for a long time, but eventually notices that there's a wall there. From that wall she builds a chamber, illuminates it with fire and makes a bed. Alone in her Domain, Evandra says the room is still as empty as the void and goes to sleep.

[hider=MP Summary]
[b]Beginning MP:[/b] 5
[b]Beginning DP:[/b] 5

[i]No MP or DP used[/i]