[center][sub]Location: Kingsdale station [/sub] [/center]

Finally, school is canceled. and for good measure, the floral infestation is getting worst by the minute. Endangering the lives of students and those who work at the academy alike. It's like the university cares or something. that or multiple parents complained about the welfare of their kids that they are forced to comply, more likely the latter.

"I guess my shift starts early." Kristy thought to herself as everyone else was sent packing. She texted her mom saying she's gonna be home late due to her extracurricular activities as she went on the public train to New Athens.

The train was jammed pack despite the dangerous flora situation around these parts. Kristy can barely move her arms at the wall of people pining her inside the train. All was going smoothly as the passengers went on their separate ways on their designated stations. It was getting less crowded as most of the people left.

As train went by, Kristy whips out her phone and tunes in to the latest news. The Flora infestation is still at large and guess who's the headline of it all: the ever so popular pop star, Starbright. Every. Single. Livestream. It seems the villains have taken advantage of the situation and want a piece of this guy. The price of fame I supposed. Luckily there are more Heroes than villains arrived on the scene amid this botanic infestation in this live-stream broadcast. A sigh of relief was made as Kristy prepares herself for the worst.

[i]I hope i'm not too late for my shift.[/i] Kristy thought to herself

En route to New Athens station.