[color=f49ac2]“Yeah…”[/color] Iris muttered to herself at the mention of one more ally, it was something at least and she knew she could rely on her friend to not give them up. Frowning slightly, she could have sworn she had heard a hint of jealousy? [color=f49ac2][i]No that’s my imagination[/i][/color]. Although she couldn’t stop the warm feeling in her heart at the idea, he was jealous. [color=f49ac2][i]Maybe there was still something there? Maybe? No. He is going to be a King, I’m a rebel. I’d never be worthy of him. His father would rather me dead I’m sure.[/i][/color] Trying to stop herself from getting too excited at the idea there was still something there between them. [color=f49ac2]“That’s the quickest way back to the Capital. Unless you’re up for some hiking in the woods we will have to wait.”[/color] Iris sighed trying to think on another plan, desperately hoping that the rebels had not spotted them. [color=f49ac2]“Him? Oh no, it’s a she. Maisie.”[/color] Iris smiled slightly clearing up the fact it was a girl and not a boy, hope rising up on the idea there could be something. [color=f49ac2][i]No. Stop it[/i][/color]. [color=f49ac2]“But… that’s not a bad idea. She might be able to help us.”[/color] Whether or not she could Iris knew that she’d at least be able to give them more food and cleaner water than the river. [color=f49ac2]“It’s worth a shot. Come on, if I remember correctly her house shouldn’t be too far.”[/color] Glancing back towards the gate she could see Ethan in the distance, and it looked as if he was shouting at someone, perhaps the rebels at losing Cas? She didn’t know, but she didn’t care. Right now, they had more important things to be doing. As they were in the housing district, she was sure it wouldn’t take too long to find her house, she hoped she wasn’t working today she couldn’t think of what day it was anymore and she didn’t know what her schedule was. Continuing to walk it took around twenty minutes until she finally reached a run down looking housing complex, it clearly housed a lot of the district and although it looked run down it wasn’t as bad as some of the areas they had passed. Pushing open the main door she knew it never locked, they may have had buzzers to allow people inside, but they never worked. It was all for show. Moving inside holding the door for Cas she headed towards the stairs, carpet was pulling away at the wood and there was a damp smell in the air but otherwise it seemed okay. Climbing around three sets of stairs she reached a door with a number placed on it, a little mailbox with the name Howard on the outside and she knew she had made it. Maisie Howard, her beloved friend. Knocking on the door she waited for a few minutes to see if anyone was inside, she could har shuffling on the other end of the door and she felt the relief because finally something was going right for her. “Who is it?” [color=f49ac2]“Hey… Maisie. It’s me.” [/color] The door flung open and Maisie wrapped her arms around Iris hugging her as she realised it was her friend. The girl in question was short with medium length brown hair tied in a ponytail aqnd bright brown eyes. “Oh… I was so worried. What the hell happened?” Pulling back Maisie glanced at her friend and frowned seeing her cheek, “Who did that?” [color=f49ac2]“It doesn’t matter. Can you help us?”[/color] Iris glanced behind her making sure Casain was still there and that no one had followed them here.