Alright, so, that happened.

Current concerns:

-I'd like a few more people to chime in on LunarStandard's deck. Even people who haven't gotten an accepted CS like Kaggs and Cosmos are free to chime in. Charak's main issue seems to be cards like Duster and Icarus attack while Amaranthine feels like it has a bit too high a ratio of RR monsters.

Sidenote: He's absolutely allowed to run 3 Vanishing Lanius as far as I'm concerned. Told me it's to emulate how Shun always opened up with that exact hand, which is hilarious and absolutely on-point.

-On the topic of Base/Highway, with grit not being around anymore it's a bit of a mess. I'll edit the first post tomorrow to remove Souji from the highway crew and put him at Keita's location, but so far it seems they'll just be chillin' there and making their own fun for the time being.

Oh yeah, and for anyone apping, might be best to say where you want to be placed and how you're doing so I can account for that as well once you're in for sure.