“You can sit on the sofa; I was only messing with you about the smell.” Maisie chuckled as she brought him over a glass of water alongside two painkillers. “This is all I have, but it should help the pain.” Placing them on the table beside him she headed back into the kitchen and started to make some food for them, she had opted for a leftover pie. Pie filled with whatever leftovers she could find, but hot food would be best she doubted they had eaten much. Grimacing she sighed as she went about making a simple pastry with the ingredients she had in the cupboard, “She didn’t tell me. Ethan did, I’m sure you at least know who he is.” Shaking her head at the mention of Ethan it was clear she was not a fan of him, not in the slightest. “We’ve been friends for as long as I can remember, we’ve been through a lot together.” Contemplating on what they had experienced as a due, nothing had separated them. Unless you counted the amnesia. “They don’t like me, perhaps that’s why they didn’t want me seeing her when she returned in hopes she wouldn’t remember me… buuuut you can’t just forget a bond like that.” You could hear the sound of utensils rummaging around as she happily baked with ease, “We always liked to bake together. Swore we would own our very own bakery.” Laughing at the memory she shook her head, “You don’t need to know that.” Glancing back at the Prince just to make sure he hadn’t bolted, not that she had expected him to move quickly in his state. Finishing up with the pie she placed it in the over before washing her hands, opening up the fridge she grinned pulling out a beer glad she had some left. Moving over to Cas she put the beer beside him before sitting herself on the sofa looking at him, “There, it’s all I can offer for now.” Crossing her legs, she tapped her fingers against her arm, “I was so worried about her, I still am.” Sighing as she looked at the door to the bathroom the sound of running water could still be heard, “I can see the way she looks at you…” Feeling the water hit her skin Iris sighed enjoying the feel, sure she hadn’t gone days without a shower, but it was a stress reliever the running water against her skin. Thankful she could at least enjoy a shower before heading back out into the districts trying to get him back to the Capital. Catching sight of her skin she could see the faint fingerprint marks around her wrist, they were fading but still there. Tracing the outline as she looked at those bruises, she felt a knot in her stomach, a darker part of her screaming that she deserved it. That she deserved to be hurt for everything she had done, that the pain should be a reminder. [color=f49ac2][i]Stop it. STOP IT.[/i][/color] Gripping her wet hair as she lowered herself down into a kneeling position trying to distract her thoughts, but they weren’t easy to push back. They were haunting her, reminding her that she deserved what was coming to her for what she had done.