Alrighty, my two kids are here! Can't wait to hear what you guys think! :D
[color=c3bbc9]Eliza Alexander || “Murmur” || Female || Sixteen (01/17) || C+ Class Hero || Color Code c3bbc9[/color][/center]
[color=c3bbc9][b]Nicknames -[/b][/color] “Ellie” is one favored by her friends. “Mumble” sometimes, when she’s struggling with her words.

[color=c3bbc9][b]Physique -[/b][/color] Eliza would best be described to be of an average or perhaps slightly thin frame, with little by way of muscle. She’s quite short, standing about 4’9” on her bare feet, though when out and about she wears platform boots for an extra couple of inches. Her hair is cut in a short, layered bob, just barely skimming her jaw, with an overgrown fringe that constantly falls in her eyes. Most of her hair is dyed black at the moment, with thin purple highlights throughout and a thick purple stripe in her bangs. Her eyes are grey and notably wide, flitting around and focusing on hundreds of things at once.

She dresses in a way that some might consider softly intimidating – lots of black, accessorized with chokers, studded belts, and layered bracelets on both wrists. She will often be seen in some combination of tights and short skirts, layered tops, an oversized hoodie (at the moment her favorite is black, with embroidered silver music notes detailing the collar and pockets) and platform boots. For missions, she dons a much more practical all black outfit, swapping her signature boots out for ballet flats – less audible, and better to run in.
Always on her person, though usually around her neck, is a pair of noise-cancelling headphones. They’re usually plugged into her phone and playing some sort of instrumental music – classical crossover is her go-to, or else ambient video game soundtracks. She has sensory issues and self-regulates using them. She often also has her violin case.

[color=c3bbc9][b]Blood Type -[/b][/color] O-

[color=c3bbc9][b]Occupation -[/b][/color] Hero, high school student, youth orchestra member.

[color=c3bbc9][b]Affiliation -[/b][/color] H. E. R. O.

[color=c3bbc9][b]Personality -[/b][/color] Contrary to her somewhat standoffish appearance, Eliza is a total sweetheart who loves to make friends. She’s often fairly daydreamy, spaced-out at the best of times, and so some might describe her as ditzy. Notably, she seems unable to make eye contact for more than a few seconds. Quite forgetful, she’s prone to trail off in the middle of sentences, distracted by something in her own thoughts; the easiest way to bring her back is to mention her special interests – at the moment, she absolutely [i]adores[/i] street fashion, and she’s always loved music history. Get her talking about something she cares about, and though she’s soft-spoken, you’ll find it hard to get a word in edgewise. She does have a speech impediment, which several years of speech therapy has struggled to fix, and it gets worse when she’s excited, or especially nervous.

Eliza has a particular fondness for any sort of animal, and especially for young children as well. She’s often curious about the world, and she loves exploring new places. She can sometimes be a bit of a troublemaker, though she means no harm by it and would never damage anyone’s property for her pranks. In that regard, some would say she’s hyper-empathetic, though she often struggles to express that she understands and on some level [i]feels[/I] the pain of people around her – she hates to cause any more suffering. She’s very visually expressive, with somewhat overexaggerated reactions to a lot of things, and she cries easily; verbally expressing and discussing emotions has never come naturally to her, however.

[color=c3bbc9][b]Backstory - [/b][/color] Eliza comes from a line of illusion-related superheroes on both sides of her family; her father still works for HERO, though disabilities from repeated injury have left him as a desk-working administrative type. Her mother retired early to raise her and her sister. For the most part, she’s had a pretty uneventful childhood, going to a good school and living in a good neighborhood in the city for most of it.

She’s always wanted to be a superhero, and follow in the line of her parents – the running joke when she was little was that she had to get a job when she turned sixteen, like normal kids did – so she applied to HERO, on a part time basis. It’s only supposed to be around her school and orchestra obligations, though even in her few months of employment she’s had to miss school a few times. Her parents aren’t so happy about that one, but she’s mostly able to keep her grades up despite it. 

She’s taken violin lessons since she was tiny and has been in orchestra since fifth grade. She’s quite good at her instrument, but since a particularly embarrassing episode of her life finds it very difficult to remain visible while she plays. This, the most embarrassing moment of her life, was when she was thirteen – she had a solo during the last concert of her eighth-grade year. Everything seemed like it was going to go brilliantly, but as soon as she got on stage, she found she could remember nothing.

In her embarrassed panic, she turned invisible and fled, running away and hiding from what turned into a missing child search… for two days. HERO agents ultimately discovered her and returned her to her family.
Returning after that was hard; facing her classmates and teachers was harder. It was the first public demonstration of her abilities, and there was some considerable backlash from the other students. She was glad to put that behind her when she transferred for high school; she deliberately begged to go to a different school than her old classmates did. Her parents thankfully agreed, and she’s been able to turn over a new leaf and for the most part divorce her daily life from her superhero moonlighting.

[color=c3bbc9][b]Power -[/b][/color] Wind’s Whisper – Invisibility.

A fanciful name coined by her sister, Eliza’s power is actually much simpler than that. She can make herself, and any object that is only in contact with her body (for instance her clothes, or her violin if she’s holding it), invisible in the visible light spectrum. She cannot become weightless or make herself intangible, it’s purely that her body becomes invisible. When she is invisible, she does not leave a shadow. She is still detectable by heat or by x-ray. Furthermore, sounds she makes can still lead to her detection – breathing and footsteps are still audible. Regarding duration, she’s able to stay continuously invisible for up to about twelve hours, though the fatigue that it causes her is such that she won’t be able to do it again for several days of recovery. Switching from visible to invisible takes more effort than maintaining one or the other.

[color=c3bbc9][b]Other Notes -[/b][/color] She is autistic; she was diagnosed at the age of seven.[/hider]

[color=9ed7db]Angelica Alexander || “Wish” || Female || Twenty-One (08/20) || D Class Hero || Color Code 9ed7db[/color][/center]

[color=9ed7db][b]Nicknames:[/b][/color] She usually doesn’t give a nickname for her given name; particularly stubborn sorts like her sister call her Angie. Occasionally, teasingly, she’ll be called Wishbone as a play on her hero name.

[color=9ed7db][b]Physique:[/b][/color] Angelica is of slightly short stature, around five feet, three inches. She has some muscle definition and is what most would consider “fit”; some might describe her as being busty, but some might also be slapped for it. Her hair is quite long and curly, a rich black in color (it’s dyed; she spends a lot of time and money on its upkeep). Her pale skin is accentuated with a healthy blend of peachy blush across her cheeks and the tip of her nose, and her highlighter is always on point; her steel-grey eyes are emphasized further by thick, precisely winged eyeliner. She dresses simply and stylishly, favoring clothes that are easy to run or fight in, should the need for that arise. She prides herself on her well-manicured wardrobe, and her well-manicured hands; she’s always perfectly well-dressed and professional.

It’s a lot of work for someone whose natural appearance is often unseen.

[color=9ed7db][b]Blood Type:[/b][/color]

Full-time hero.

H. E. R. O.

[color=9ed7db][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Some would say that Angelica is too proper for her own good. She takes herself very seriously; one need only look at her to confirm that. She’s courteous to everyone, if a little bit overly formal most times. Regarding what she actually [i]does[/i] with HERO, she’s very secretive – to be honest, she’s very secretive with basically everything about herself. Even the people she’d call her dearest friends struggle to pinpoint anything about her history or her opinions of people. She’s got a bit of a reputation as a backstabber; slander, blackmail, and other such things are never out of her arsenal of tricks if someone behaves recklessly on a mission – not that she’d publicly admit to such behaviors, of course.

Beyond this, she's a bit of a romantic; she still has an idealized view of the world and of her own, and everyone else's, importance to it. She truly believes they'll be able to make it a better place. She’s a bit of a bitch, though. It should be noted that she is bitterly jealous of the fact that her younger sister's power was classed higher than her own was. She’s loyal to the organization and frustrated by her lack of success; she feels as though she is [i]much[/i] more important than she’s actually given credit for. Where is everyone else’s sense of subtlety?!

[color=9ed7db][b]Backstory:[/b][/color] Much like her sister, Angelica lived a very normal life. She was the first child, so rules were a little stricter; she had to graduate high school, and either go to college or become a full-time hero. It wasn't a choice for her - both her mother and father had had long careers as superheroes. Her mother outright said that she wished she could go back to work, and probably would, if it wasn't for Eliza at home.

Angelica became, to some extent, her mother's wish fulfillment. They had very similar powers, after all, and Angelica eventually was placed into a similar oversight/damage control role as her mother had been; she's worked in the organization for three years, but is very frustrated by her inability to advance. She's just as powerful as - and has considerably better control than - a lot of these whelps, so... why hasn't she been given a riskier placement?
Heart’s Desire – manipulation of aesthetic perception.

Angelica is able to manipulate people's perception of her appearance based on what they most want her to be. She's not aware of the changes that the person perceives, or what trait they wish for her to fulfill, however.

Details such as her hair color and style, eye color, face shape, and wardrobe are perceived to change, though her stature does not and her figure only slightly. It's important to note that she doesn't physically change, only the perception that others have of her - When she uses her power, four different people can all be talking to her simultaneously and have different ideas of what she looks like. It does not affect the sound of her voice, nor does it affect her appearance in photographs. It does affect people's memories; however they perceived her is how they will continue to perceive her in their memory, and it can be jarring if she forgets to engage the power the next time she meets the individual. Or incredibly helpful, depending on application...

She can choose when people see this, though people can be aware of the changes should she consciously engage it after they start interacting. She becomes fatigued if she keeps the power passively engaged for more than a few hours out of a normal day, and the more people she keeps it engaged for, the less she can focus on anything else and the quicker she tires out. She can keep it engaged for a medium group of people, like a school classroom, for about an hour before she must rest. 