“You really didn’t know?” Maisie sighed softly as she heard Cas say he had no idea on how it was like for them. “That’s why the rebellion started. It was meant to be a good cause; it was for a good cause, but everyone can lose sight of what’s right.” Shaking her head, she pulled out the pie from the oven placing it on the side, “They were all good people, I’m not excusing what they have done at all, but originally it was about the people. Iris was always about the people, that has never changed. I’m assuming you know about her mother?” Cutting a big slice of the freshly cooked pie she placed it on the plate for Caspain with a knife and fork before moving over and handing it to him. “Enjoy!” Though she felt herself sigh when he spoke about not hurting her friend, that it would never work because of her station and she knew that was true. “Thank you, but I’m not just talking about emotions here. If they catch her, they will kill her. You have to know this right? As much as your life is on the line hers is now on the line not just from the Capital but the rebellion here. I’m just worried she won’t make it out alive.” There was clear worry in her voice, she didn’t want to lose her best friend because of all of this. Shaking her head, she put the smile back on her face, “Well I’m glad the pie was good. This one though. Much better. So, enjoy.” Not thinking on the subject of the previous pie anymore she was distracted by his question on if she lived alone, “Yeah. It’s just me. Me and my dad look after the bakery, me more so than him now due to age. I’ve been trying to convince Iris to move in with me, heaven knows she needs to get out of her place.” Chuckling to herself as she stood back up glancing at the bathroom door, “Eat up. I’ll go check on her and then I’m sure you can’t wait to shower. I think I have some spare clothes you can use.” Busying herself she moved over to the bedroom grabbing some clothes for her friend before knocking on the bathroom door and slipping inside as she couldn’t hear the water running anymore. “Hey. I brought you some clothes. Iris?” [color=f49ac2]“O-Oh… thanks.”[/color] Forcing a smile as she turned to Maisie, towel wrapped securely around her. “I’ve made some food too, he’s just eating. He can hop in the shower in a moment… you’re not okay, are you?” Maisie sighed as she could see through the forced smile on her friend’s face. [color=f49ac2]“No! I’m fine. Don’t worry. Let me get changed and then enjoy that pie of yours.”[/color] Iris smiled drying her hair with the towel acting like nothing was bothering her. “Fine, but we will talk whilst pretty boy is in the shower. You know I don’t take no for an answer~” Maisie smiled as she moved out of the bathroom leaving the clothes behind for her friend to change, she would talk to her without others listening in on them as she knew something was wrong.