

[color=violet]“ATTENTION FELLOW GODS! What if I told you there was a way to interact more closely with the world? All you need to do is bind a small piece of your soul to another form, and send that form to Galbar. It will be able to pass through without interference from the Lifeblood, walk the world, and perform divine actions on your behalf. You can thank Gibbou for this trick. Oh, and if you haven’t set foot outside your realm’s portal yet, please do; it’s perfectly safe! That will be all!”[/color]

Thaa was not particularly pleased.

In fact, Thaa was quite affronted that anyone would tell him what to do! Especially as he was planning on doing that anyway! Although the trick mentioned was quite a nice piece of information to have, and clearly rather than just not coming out of spite he now had much more important things to get to.

As Thaa retreated from the portal back into Aquibeophates, he did leave behind a few meager beings to guard that entrance to the realm, at the very least they might grant some pause to any interlopers as Thaa would act more properly on them, and determine their intentions.

A piece of his soul now was it? Quite the thing to try of course, although the whole thanking Gibbou he was not quite so sure of given that while some of her actions were quite good, it wasn’t entirely clear that they were intentional. Afterall he had the memories of the first trolls to mull over. While troll-kind had done a great deal of benefit to the world below, encouraging death and such, the first numbers revealed the intentions may not have been so noble.

To focus on the task at hand, Thaa had a great solution, he cut off his ‘hand’. More precisely he cut off a portion of himself to act as his soul-let piece to be sent to Galbar. He did not let this new thing form entirely on its own of course, he forced it to form properly into something that could traverse Galbar, as well as spewing most of his own knowledge about the world into the forming mind.

It is precisely this intervention that caused a bit of an inconvenient circumstance, as it happens, trying to form a barely prepared and still formulating divine creature, may not be the most stable of affairs. Almost immediately it tried to fall apart, Thaa did not permit this, roughly keeping it mostly together as it still stabilized before him. It was somewhat fragmentary at best, three pieces were quite distinct even if it could not quite fully collapse, still Thaa helped the fragment form into a stable being.

Three snake heads at the end of long necks came into being as a form of their curious fragmentation. Each met a markedly scaled body that served as their primary means of locomotion with four legs and a long tail. Soon each began to look around at the environs they found themselves. Thaa spoke.

[color=Fuchsia]“What are your names, little ones?”[/color]


[color=Fuchsia]“Good, well you know your tasks as I have imprinted them upon you and I expect great things.”[/color]

A brief pause as the three heads looked at one another, the middle head, Jaav, spoke.

[color=Teal]“Actually, might it be possible that we could remain here for a little while longer?”[/color]

Thaa thought, he needed them to get to work so he needed to be firm but not too harsh. Make them see the necessity of the task at hand and that such pleasures could await another time, for now they needed to go to Galbar and complete several tasks. He needed them to know that they shouldn’t disobey but not to be so harsh as to distance themselves from him. Yes he could do that.

WIth the screaming of a million discordant voices,

[h1][color=Fuchsia][center]“Absolutely not!”[/center][/color][/h1]

With that Thaa grabbed them by their body that they shared and threw them through a portal to Galbar, specifically the Vescii Temple in orbit. Yes, very firm.


Once their heads stopped spinning, Jaav spoke,

[color=Teal]“What a prick!”[/color]

And Kiim replied, [color=YellowGreen]“Come now, I’m sure he had his reasons even if it was a bit harsh and sudden.”[/color

[color=Teal]“He threw us into this golden mess! I think we might have even dented the wall back there, if he’s as good as he makes himself out to be with all this shit in our heads I’d hate to meet those, ‘demon-hearted originators of evil’ he was [i]sooo[/i] fond of ranting into my permanent memory.”[/color]

Kiim replied once more on the defensive, Guul however, was done listening and had started walking them to the central room of the Temple. The tasks wouldn’t get themselves done and Guul was quite hopeful about the possibility of sleep even as the other heads bickered. Let’s see now, deattach the central First Soul Crystal, form a remote control mechanism in its place…

[color=YellowGreen]“...and even if it was unnecessary to be quite so strong on the throw Thaa could not have known if there would be resistance on account of our divine nature now could he?”[/color]

[color=Teal]“Resistance! He could have gotten us killed! What if we weren’t small enough to be ignored by the Lifeblood? Here you are making excuses when really we should…”[/color]

...take said Soul Crystal out of the Vescii Temple and create a secondary array to boost the signal from the Galbarian side and increase rates of Soul accumulation…

[color=Teal]“...even given that, if it is the case, why should we worry about Galbar at all! If in the case that creatures born of and from the realm of death are superior and it is the case that death allows for the supreme victory in the end over any living thing, then why should it even be cause of worry what happens on Galbar? Truly I think your argument has…”[/color]

...finally a craft to descend to Galbar outside of the Vescii Temple with and to descend to the surface of a continent, what was it now…

[color=YellowGreen]“...it is a moral obligation to assist those in need of someth- wait a moment, Guul! What have you been doing this whole time, where have you brought us?”[/color]

[color=Teal]“Hey is that the Temple back there!?”[/color]

[color=Aqua]“Well I got tired of listening to both of you bicker about all that so I just went and did everything, goodnight!”[/color]

With that Guul rested her head, curling her neck in of itself and settling down on top.

[color=Teal]“Well I have to say this craft is quite gaudy, gold and all that everywhere, just seems like a shinier version of a mortal craft really.”[/color]

[color=YellowGreen]“Oh you would say that wouldn’t you? I bet you think the Vescii Temple is ‘gaudy’ too. Just shows that you have no taste in the finer elements of design.”[/color]

[color=Teal]“Finer elements of design? Slapping gold on everything you mean? I say you do not have a singular grasp of anything…”[/color]

[hider=Summary]We are back with Thaa, he hears a certain someone and is affronted that they might suggest he do something he was already going to do! Of course the best solution is to now not go out into Antiquity and instead explore creating an avatar, which he does but almost botches by throwing a bunch of information into it before its reallly all that stable and almost causes it to fall apart! Luckily Thaa with with quick thinking stops this by not doing much of anything besides holding it together and hoping, which creates Kiim’Jaav’Guul the multi-headed, multi-personed avatar of Thaa. He asks their names and suggests they get to work. They want to hang out a bit longer so Thaa is calm and reasonable and throws them through a portal to the Vescii Temple.

This starts a whole argument between Kiim and Jaav, Kiim defending Thaa’s actions while Jaav is a critic. Guul meanwhile does all the work while the two bicker. Kiim and Jaav realize whats happened after Guul has gotten them to depart the Temple on a new craft, promptly going to sleep as the two begin to bicker once more on Thaa’s general design coloration.[/hider]

[hider=MP Summary]
Start 5 MP 5 DP
Titles for the Vescii Temple, 2 mp: 

Remote Guidance I: The Temple can be controlled by those with the appropriate knowledge of its functioning from a distance. Engaging the Temple to move even when not present in the Temple itself. 

Remote Location I: The Temple informs those with the appropriate knowledge of its functioning of its location from a great distance. Allowing the locating of the Temple even when not otherwise visible. 

Titles for Artifact, Soul Array 2 mp, 5 dp, two free titles: 

1 mp: Lock of the Array I: The Array is sealed to those without the proper coded response to the lock. 

1 mp: Unbreakable I: The Array is very resistant to damage, especially from non-divinely made sources. 

3 dp: Soul Lure III: The Array attracts souls of the dead from Galbar and the nearby environs into the Array itself. 

2 dp: Crystal Harmonization I: Any Soul Crystal or other appropriate artifact that may fit within the structure of the Array and connect with the Array can Harmonize with the Array and access the abilities of the Array to enhance its own functioning. 

Titles due to Afterlife: Gateway to Aquibeophates II: The Soul Array has a particularly strong ability to transmit souls to the realm of Thaa and the Dead, that of Aquibeophates, or to receive souls should any ever be sent back. 

Titles for artifact, Yaavel Barge 1 mp:

Flying I: This Barge despite its materials and structure has the ability to fly and move mostly in any degree at the willing of its owner. Although it is limited by some extent the general lack of good flight structure.

End 0 MP 0 DP[/hider]