Reserving a spot for my CS here. Gonna go eat but I'll put something up when I get back. EDIT: CS up. [b]Name:[/b] Aria Solais [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Region of Origin:[/b] Johto [b]Character Description:[/b] [hider=Aria Solais][img=][/hider] A girl whose eyes reflect deep thought and a strong will. Short for her age, with long slate grey hair that extends down past her back, her face looks almost childish if not for the doll-like countenance that refuses to betray even a hint of her emotions. She smiles only when she is truly happy, and in these grim times, the opportunity for that is quite rare. Her clothes are always dark, plain, and conservative, which serves as a decent contrast to her pale skin and light hair. [b]Short Summary of Personality:[/b] Aria is strong-willed and filled with purpose by nature. Raised on tales of heroes and dragons and grand tradition, she idolizes strong trainers, and seeks to carve her legacy on the world and become strong as well. She is short with words, and believes that the real way to get to know somebody is through combat. Because of this, she has very few friends, but makes friends with pokemon easily. She is completely stubborn when she gets a goal in her head, and sometimes ignores what other people have to say, which has gotten her in trouble many times in the past, but it's a bad habit she just can't seem to kick. This habit tends to alienate the people around her, and very few have stuck around in the long run. But to the people who she still considers friends, she is fiercely loyal, and will kick up a fight in no time if she feels her friends are threatened (even if there isn't actually anything to worry about.) [b]Brief History:[/b] Born and raised in Blackthorn City, Aria grew up surrounded by strong trainers, who mastered the Dragon type. It was thought that Aria herself would grow to be a strong dragon trainer herself, but when she came of age to take the trials, the girl refused outright. Clair and even Lance tried to convince her of the village's rich history, but nothing stuck. In the end, Aria ran away from home with nothing but a bag of ultra balls, determined to start her own Pokemon adventure. She journeyed for five years, growing with the pokemon she encountered along the way, before finally returning to Blackthorn at age 20. By this time, she had a full team of pokemon, the majority of them Steel-type, and after a fierce battle with her former mentor, Clair, won the Rising Badge, to round out all eight Johto League badges. Instead of battling the Elite Four for the champion spot, she instead got permission to train in Mount Silver, and has spent the last three years like a hermit in that cave, growing even closer to her team. She has occasionally faced off against Lance, but always feels guilty about her team composition when she does, since Steel-types are strong against Dragons. She would never say whether these battles ended in victory or defeat. [b]Pokemon Team: [/b] [hider=Mawile -F- Titania]---Intimidate -Play Rough -Iron Head -Brick Break -Stone Edge Aria's first, and signature pokemon. Personality-wise Titania is the most similar to Aria. They share the same iron will, stubbornness, and (oddly enough) the same distaste for Dragon types.[/hider] [hider=Froslass -F- Neige]---Snow Cloak -Frost Breath -Shadow Ball -Attract -Confuse Ray Aria's second pokemon. Though not of the steel type, Neige is still close to her trainer. She is quiet and does not speak at all, but has a cruel streak and enjoys tormenting her victims in battle.[/hider] [hider=Skarmory -M- Sterling]---Sturdy -Fly -Roost -Rock Tomb -Steel Wing Aria's shield. Noble and chivalrous, Sterling leaps at any chance to protect anything in reach. He can't stand injustice, and will act impulsively to stop evil in its tracks. Though his offense is low, his defenses are near impregnable.[/hider] [hider=Metagross -- Steven]---Clear Body -Earthquake -Rain Dance -Meteor Mash -Zen Headbutt Named after a wandering trainer that Aria admires greatly, Steven acts the most like a machine of Aria's whole party. With his blank face and efficient actions, it is difficult to tell if he has a personality at all. He seems content to be used as a tool to fulfil his trainer's desires.[/hider] [hider=Scolipede -M- Krieg]---Speed Boost -Megahorn -Rock Slide -Poison Jab -Steamroller The last pokemon that Aria ever caught was a wild Whirlipede. It looked defensive at the time and she thought it might evolve into a steel type. When it finally did evolve into Scolipede, though it was not steel, she was not disappointed in its strength. The fastest pokemon on her team by far, Krieg proved to be a good balance to her usual slow and defensive style. He seems to be aware of his 'Black Sheep' position on her team and always tries his hardest to prove his worth ambitiously.[/hider] [hider=Gardevoir -F- No Name]---Synchronize -Will-o-wisp -Trick Room -Psyshock -Moonblast The true mystery on Aria's team, she received Gardevoir from a mysterious trainer in exchange for the Magneton she had before. It has no name, and pompously acts as though it is far better than any other pokemon, and sometimes even Aria herself. The only pokemon on her team who would ever disobey a direct order. It is completely unknown why Aria would even use Gardevoir. It is not a steel type, and is untrustworthy at best. Many have asked, but for some reason, Aria has never given away that secret.[/hider]