Maisie smiled waving him off as if it was nothing, she didn’t mind one bit, not when it came to her dearest friend as she would do anything for her. With ease she had already sliced and plated a slice of pie for Iris handing it over, “Go sit down and eat. I’ll make you a drink.” Turning back to the kitchen she pulled out a mug to make her a cup of tea hoping it would calm her friend and help towards sleeping later, Maisie already knew that it would be a problem. Growing up with Iris she knew her, probably better than herself right now. Frowning at that thought she shook her head busying herself with making some tea. Sighing to herself Iris held the plate in her hand before moving back to the sofa sitting herself down looking at the food, it smelled amazing but at the same time she didn’t feel all to hungry. [color=f49ac2][i]Although Maisie will kill me if I don’t eat something[/i][/color]. Thinking to herself as she absentmindedly pushed around the pie on her plate, it smelled amazing. It looked great and she knew was probably hungry, but she just didn’t feel it right now. “Iris…” Maisie sighed softly as she moved back over catching her push around the slice of pie, placing down the mug of tea on the table as she sat down next to her friend. “At least try to eat a little.” Urging her friend to eat. Shaking her head Iris placed the plate down on the table, [color=f49ac2]“I can’t… I… I don’t know. I thought I was hungry. I probably am.”[/color] Placing her head in her hands as she couldn’t face her friend, she could feel herself tremble as she tried to keep herself together and not breakdown. “Hey… hey.” Maisie smiled edging closer as she pulled Iris into a hug, but the minute she did she felt her friend crumble in her arms. Tears had started to fall, and she could hear the quiet sobs of her friend as she kept her arms firmly around her, moving her hand she stroke her hair gently giving it a moment before she would talk. For now, she’d let Iris cry it out in her arms even though it pained her she couldn’t help more. [color=f49ac2]“I… I’m such a horrible person. W-Who even am I-I? I.. I don’t know anymore.”[/color] Her words choked out as she gripped at her friend, seeking the comfort that she was providing. [color=f49ac2]“I… how could I do that to someone? I broke his trust. I ruined everything…”[/color] The tears rolled down her cheeks as she couldn’t stop it, she had opened up the flood gate of emotions. [color=f49ac2]“I’ve lost my family… My f-father, he will kill me. I’ve lost everything and it’s all my fault.” [/color] “Iris… you lost your dad some time ago and you know this deep down.” Maisie sighed feeling her own heart break at how broken her friend was, “You may not remember it, which might be a blessing but… he wasn’t the same person. You know this.” [color=f49ac2]“It… d-doesn’t excuse what I did to Cas!”[/color] Shaking her head as she didn’t move from the hug, she didn’t want her friend to see her in such a state. [color=f49ac2]“Not that it matters now… who w-was I-I kidding. As if he could like someone like me…”[/color]