If the X-Men can take a newcomer, I'd take a leap. I thought she could be the driver/pilot, if the seat is not taken... --- [hider=Dominique Chloe LaBlanche] [IMG]http://25.media.tumblr.com/e663c749cfeed47268f0e50631b34e64/tumblr_mrwg9w3nKM1qcc32mo1_1280.jpg[/IMG] "We boil at different degrees." - Ralph Waldo Emerson "The Basics..." Name: Dominique Chloe LaBlanche Mutant Alias: Pocketwatch Nickname: White - A reference to her last name. Domino - Shorter form of her first name. Often enough, Dominique is annoyed by the way people try to say her name, if they do not get the point that her name is of French origin. Age: 26 Gender: Female Sexuality: Homosexual Occupation: Newcomer. Applied for logistics, mostly transporting food from town to the mansion. She has small combat training, as well as a pilot license. "The Appearance..." Description of Appearance: Standing with a look towards the sky due to her 4'11" stature, Dominique wishes she could have gained some height in her childhood. Her overall fragile looking figure has not gained muscle, nor fat. In summer, by the time she is wearing skirts or shorts and no jacket, she looks malnourished, despite the fact that she is perfectly healthy. What the young woman cannot display in physical traits, she shows in her hair. She likes to change her hair color often (her current hair color is like in the pic). Sometimes she keeps it in a ponytail, other times she braids them. Her hazel eyes are often accentuated by thick eyeliner makeup, which is also her main trait that remains. Even with a large time spend in sunshine California to gain her pilot license, Dominique's skin is very pale. Style: There are band shirts swarming the closet of the young lady. To add to her already punk appearance, ripped jeans of various black and blue shades join in on the shirts. During summertime, she wears jeans skirts or summer dresses, though the later is more of a private matter. Jackets are her all-time favorite clothing. She likes to wear dark leather jackets with tribal stitchery. If she is outside, she keeps her feet covered in military boots or simple sneakers, depending on the occasion. Barefoot is her usual way, though. "Delving A Little Deeper..." Likes: + Alternative music + Traveling, especially in Europe + Jackets + Changing hair color + Having a "Tête-à-Tête" with people + Reading (her guilty pleasure) Dislikes: - Tall people - Coffins - Crates - Overly attached girlfriends - Flat tires - Her nightmares Mutation: Creating pocket dimensions. The mutation of Dominique is to take every closeable object and enlarge the space inside. For instance, she can enlarge the space inside a pocket of a jacket and hide a gun in it, eventhough it could not fit inside physically. The more distinct the form of the 'pocket' is, the easier it is for her to expand the space within. The inside of the pocket can be enlarged endlessly, but it quickly drains Dominique's strength. Keeping such a space intact varies by the contents held within. The more Dominique packs in a pocket, the faster it drains her. Even more tiresome, the distance matters in the upkeep as well. In the occasion of Dominique's powers tiring too fast, the objects within the pocket leap out of it at once, much like opening a can filled with spring snakes. Another problem is that the things that one wants to stash needs to fit through the opening. Last drawback is the weight of objects. Most objects loose half their weight inside a pocket dimension, if Dominique has not learned to stash those objects for a while. In order to increase the volume of a pocket dimension, Dominique needs to touch the container. She also refuses to stash people inside a pocket dimension. Strengths: Dominique has been trained to navigate vehicles on ground and in air. She can find her way around places pretty quick. Calculating routes and detours is coming out of her on instinct. She also adapted her sight to it, spotting people and objects fast. This in return gave her a good sense of hiding things, especially how to place distracting containers or traps. Weaknesses: Due to her physique, the girl is easily intimidated. She cannot say no to people, unless she is pushed into a corner. She hates being in crowded places in general, up to the point that she becomes paranoid. Being in tight spaces is just as horrifying to her. She needs her space and she is very quick on her feet when she does not get it. Personality: Always fleet-footed, Dominique does not like to stay in place too long. Whether she is talking to people or simply enjoying some time off, she keeps walking. Standing still is for her tapping her feet on the ground, until she grows tired of it and decides to walk off. This affects her social behaviour a lot. She keeps chatting short at hand, or she invites people to join her in on a walk. Nevertheless, she tends to end conversations abruptly and sometimes ignores further approach towards her, as if she is spacing out. If she cannot move too much, for instance in a party, she keeps herself entertained by trying to make her at least as tall as others. This often ends in her bumping into people, leaning against them on tiptoes or falling onto her bottom a lot, which can become rather awkward when she is in a new group. "Delving Even More Deeper..." History: For a long time, Dominique enjoyed living in her small hometown in the middle of nowhere. She enjoyed the weather, the people, the endless expanse of countryside. It all came to a stop when she was teased by fellow schoolkids in early high school, who locked her in her locker for almost a whole day. This was also the first time her powers kicked in, making the space inside the locker larger and larger to reduce the claustrophobia the young girl experienced. As she got out of the locker, she was not cheery anymore, though never talked about it with others. As she developed her powers, people got excited about her, more people with bad intentions than any other. They used her for smuggling, which in most cases ended with her falling unconscious due to the large amounts of objects she had to hide in suitcases or other baggage. This quickly got her into the reach of authority, quickly taking down the smugglers and arresting everyone, including Dominique. The past two years, the woman took it slowly with her powers. She enjoyed stashing things away and keeping up the pocket dimensions as she pleased, while driving trucks for various parcel services. She also took the opportunity to take flight lessons, which resulted in a pilot license not too many weeks ago. Just a little while ago, she received a job opportunity which promised her to give her a chance to expand her powers. Being tempted to learn more about her stashing abilities and being paid for the usual 'drive around' job, she accepted, though she did not know that she was employed into the infamous Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Other: Nothing in particular. Dominique keeps her current belongings stashed inside a large sports bag. [/hider]