This girl is likely going to get into so much trouble. xD Name: Selena Diana Artemis Gender: Female Age: 22 Region of Origin: Unova [url=][img][/img][/url] Appearance: Standing at exactly 6'0", Selena towers over many other girls. She doesn't go into the sun all too often, claiming it's bad for your skin, so her skin is pale as ivory a result. She has a slim and lean figure, with decently sized breasts (Big enough to have cleavage, but not so big that they get in the way.) She has black hair that reaches to her mid back, and bangs that are swept to the side that frame her face. She does not feel the need to put her hair up very often, prefering to keep it down, and kept together with something on her head. Her eyes are almond shaped, and are a light shade of blue. She doesn't wear too much make up outside of pageants, apart from red lipstick and blue eyeshadow on occasion, as well as concealer, should it be necessary. She puts a lot of effort into maintaining her appearance, and she makes sure to keep her face clear of any blemishes, and to maintain a good weight. Selena likes fashion, and likes to dress well. She often wears fancy clothes made by famous designers. However, as she has to wear fancy dresses regularly due to her job, she usually prefers to be a bit more casual in her downtime. Her regular outfit consists of a short sleeved pink dress made of silk that has dark pink stripes going diagonally across it, with lace around the shoulder area. The dress is a bit short on it's own, so she wears black leggings underneath that reach to just below her knees. She wears high heels on stage rather often, so outside of pageants, she wears a comfortable pair of black slippers to keep her feet from getting sore. She wears a white necklace around her neck that has three pink stones attached to it. On her head, she wears a simple pink headband, as well as a silver hairpin shaped like a crescent moon. She carries her things in a pink and black shoulder bag. Personality: Selena's personality can be summed up in two parts, the part that the public sees, and the real Selena. In the public eye, Selena is exactly how you would expect someone in her line of work is supposed to act like. She is as sweet as can be, and often has a smile on her face. She is kind to everyone, and is practically the epitome of goodness, always putting the needs of others ahead of her own. As far as the public knows, Selena doesn't have a mean bone in her body, and wouldn't hurt a fly. She's has very feminine tastes, and always acts always prim and proper like a real lady at all times. Most of that is an act she puts on because that's what people want to see. The real Selena is vain and arrogant. She often overestimates herself and underestimates others. She will not admit to making a mistake if she makes one, and will blame something or someone else when things don't go her way. Selena is not shy in the least, and she often finds fault with others, and is quite willing to point them out in a blunt manner. (Though, she can't stand when someone does the same to her, and will get upset and ignore their criticism.) Selena values beauty, appearances mean everything to her. She can often be seen studying her reflection in any reflective surface available. She is also quick to judge others, and she looks down on those she believes to be beneath her. (And that's a lot of people.) Selena is quite a Diva. She loves the fame that winning such a title has brought her, and loves being in the spotlight. She can't stand when someone else is getting more attention than her, and when that happens, she'll attempt to do something to upstage the other person. She despises dirt and ugliness with a passion. She hates sports, physical labor, camping, or anything that could possibly get her dirty and ruin her image. If forced to do them, she will complain. Something else she can't stand, bugs. Butterfly-like Pokemon (except Volcarona) she's fine with. It's things like Pinsir, Scolipede, and Durant she can't stand. Selena's public image isn't completely fake though. She is extroverted, and likes people. When her gaurd is down, she is generous, and can be a pleasant person to be around. It's just hard to tell when it's an act and when she's being sincere most of the time. History: Selena was born in Nimbasa City, and has lived there her whole life. She was born the only child of one of the richest and most famous families in the region. From the time she was a young girl, her socialite mother groomed her daughter to follow in her footsteps, and become a Pokemon Coordinator like she had been, and her grandmother had been before that. Selena entered a contest for children that were held in Nimbasa's musical hall as a young girl, using a Cleffa her mother had given her. She didn't win any ribbons but with her motner's coaching, she did very well for newbie. Right away, Selena loved everything about Contests. She loved all the attention and praise she got when she was on stage, which started to go to her head. She continued entering in Pokemon Contests throughout her childhood into her teen years, and even well into her twenties. With coaching from her mother, she managed to do very well, and even won a few Ribbons. Selena loved all the attention and praise she got from her mother, the audience, and the contest judges, which started to go to her head. Most of the other kids she went to school didn't care for her condescending attitude, and treated Selena with indifference, and she had few friends as a result. Selena didn't care what they thought, believing that they were just jealous of her good fortune, and that she was better than them anyway. Her goal in life was to be a star, and no one was going to get in the way. Finally, after years of practice, at the age of 18, she won enough ribbons to be able to participate in the Grand Festival. Where she managed to win the coveted Ribbon Cup, a feat her mother never achieved. After that, she became a celebirty overnight, and finally achieved the fame she sought. As if that weren't enough, it turned out that a representative of a modeling agency watched her performance in the contest, and liked her unique look and sense of style. Selena was offered a modeling contract, which she accepted. She started having photoshoots, go-sees and runway shows. In a short time, her face was the cover of many magazines, posters and billboards all over the world. Her star was rising, but she still wasn't satisfied. Everything was going well, but she felt like there was still something missing in her life. Every night, Selena has had a horrible sense of regret that keeps her up at night, as well as intense feelings of loneliness when she's by herself. She's tried all kinds of things to relieve these feelings, but they keep coming back. She doesn't know why, she didn't do anything wrong. Then the Pokemon League sent out a call for all able bodied trainers to help take on the end cult. At first, she wondered why they couldn't get proper authorities to deal with this, and thought it best to stay out of it. However, A small part of her actually wanted to answer the call, thinking maybe this little adventure would satisfy whatever it was she felt was missing from her life, as long as she didn't get dirty. The extra publicity this would most likely bring wouldn't hurt either. That small part of her won out. Pokemon [img][/img] Nickname: Luna Species Clefable Gender: Female Personality: Luna mirrors her trainer's personality in every way. She was always a vain one. She is extremely proud of her appearance, and she enjoys showing off. Luna is dislikes Pokemon she considers ugly. If she has to battle one, she will beat it mercilessly if possible. She is Selena's main appeals Pokemon. [img][/img] Nickname: Morpheus Species: Musharna Gender: Male Personality: Morpheus was the first Pokemon she ever caught herself. He is the only male on the team. Morpheus is quite lazy, and he enjoys eating and sleeping. It takes a lot of effort to get him to battle, but when he does battle, he is a force to be reckoned with. [img][/img] Nickname: Nyx Species: Shiny Umbreon Gender: Female Personality: Once upon a time, Nyx was named Eve, and was a Timid Eevee. She used to scare easily, and it was a challenge to get her to do anything. Selena was originally planning to evolve her into either Vaporeon, Sylveon, or Espeon, but fate had other plans, After winning a battle at night, she suddenly evolved into an Umbreon. At first, Selena was disgusted by her new look, and refused to use her. She quickly changed her mind after being forced to use her, and she managed to prove her worth in a battle. She took her to the name rater to change her name to something more fitting. Since evolving, her personality took on a darker edge. She likes to cause gradual pain to her opponents and seeing them suffer from her potent Toxic attack. Instead of going for direct attacks, she prefers inflicting status conditions and trolling her opponents. [img][/img] Nickname: Proserpina Gender: Female Species: Vileplume Personality: Proserpina is a bold and rash Pokemon and she often does things without thinking first, including picking fights with other Pokemon, even if she's at a disadvantage. She enjoys battling, and she gets very upset when she loses. [img][/img] Nickname: Venus Species: Milotic Gender: Female Personality: Selena spent hours fishing trying to find a Feebas, and even longer time evolving her. Venus is a kind and friendly soul, who doesn't think too much about her looks, unlike the rest of Selena's Pokemon. She is also a bit of a flirt, and she hits on any male Pokemon she can find, regardless if they are in the same egg group or not. [img][/img] Nickname: Aurora Species: Altaira Gender: Female Personality: Selena caught her as a Swablu and evolved her because she needed a Pokemon that can fly for transportation. Aurora is very much the team mom. She cares for the other Pokemon and her trainer as if they were her own children. She often hugs them with her fluffy wings when she's happy. She gets mad when any of them are threatened, and she will fight fiercely to protect them.