Ahhhhh so glad this is back! Aerandir, it's me, Aikalynn, is it alright if I put up my old character again? Edit: [url=http://pic28.nipic.com/20130502/6340497_192416268100_2.jpg]"Well, that is to say...I'm going on a pilgrimage."[/url] Notable Parents: Mother is former summoner Donna, father is former guardian Barthello Name: Shion Age: 19 Sex: Female Hair Color: Black Eye color: Brown Weapon: Shion isn’t too big a fan of fighting, but sometimes uses a harp for magic. Any Armor: None Biography: Born to Donna and Barthello in Kilika, Shion was a very weak and frail child. She often fell ill, and as a result spent most of her time indoors. This lead to her love of reading, and eventually, her interest in the ways of summoning. Despite most thinking the art is dead, she was absolutely fascinated, and often would spend all day reading stories about High Summoner Yuna and her journey. Eventually she learned of her mother’s connection, and after much begging and pleading finally got her approval. She was taught and educated in the old ways, and while there was never a chance to practice them, Shion was well versed in the history of the temples and aeons, and even sometimes found herself wishing she was born during that era. She seemed to have a talent for magic, and made herself a mage. One day while scrounging through the family library for a time for spells, she stumbled upon her mother’s diary from years ago. She had lamented how she had actually quit her pilgrimage, and had some regret lingering. Feeling a sense of duty, Shion decided to do a pseudo-pilgrimage herself, thinking that she would complete her mother’s journey for her, even if it wasn’t literal. And thus she snuck out and hopped onto the next boat for Besaid. Personality: Shion is, to put it simply, a carefree spirit. She is hopelessly optimistic, cheerful, bright, and her smile never seems to falter or fade. She has an iron resolve, believing it is her destiny to help everyone that she can, and will not change her mind once it is set. She is sweet and caring, but many note that her kindness is burdened by her naivete. She is trusting to a fault and gives everyone the benefit of the doubt. She seems a bit on the ditzy side, not understanding sarcasm and taking jokes seriously. She comes off as air headed and dense, and even when you have her attention it feels like at any moment she can get distracted. Her youthful optimism can also get a bit ridiculous to any sane person. She wants to be able to trust people, and gets very hurt when that trust is betrayed. She is sensitive when it comes to people's weaknesses and doesn't seem to understand why people can be evil. This gives everyone the impression that she is very sheltered. She doesn't like anyone seeing her upset or sad, and will gladly shove aside her own feelings to stay strong for everyone else. Despite her oddities her fears of water and fighting are serious to her, and while she won't admit it, she gets a little upset when people laugh whens he tells them. She tries to keep a level head but she worries too much about everyone and doesn't think about herself. She is, however, good at putting up a brave face, and if the situation calls for it, she won't hesitate to protect those close to her. Are you arriving in Besaid or Living there? Just arriving by boat, having run away from home.