Maisie looked up grimacing as she heard his voice, she felt Iris stiffen in her arms probably embarrassed on the fact he had walked in on them. “No no, it’s okay. Yeah, it is a good idea we change that. It could get infected if we don’t.” Speaking normally, not drawing attention to the scene of Iris crying. [color=f49ac2][i]No. Did he hear what I said? I hope not. Oh gosh, why does he always see me crying like this? He must think I am pathetic. I am pathetic.[/i][/color] Stiffening at the fact he had walked in on them, already berating herself on the fact she could not keep her emotions in check and had broken down completely. Pulling away from Maisie she wiped her face hoping she did not look a state, but even she knew her face would be blotchy from crying. [color=f49ac2]“Did you eh… enjoy your shower?”[/color] Iris tried to smile pushing all emotions aside best she could; her voice shaky as she glanced over at Cas trying to avoid the subject of her emotions. “Let me get some new bandages, I think I have a few left in the bedroom.” Maisie smiled as she rose to her feet to find some more bandages, casing a glance at Iris she gave her a warning smile. “Eat up, I mean it.” Warning her as she moved towards the bedroom to get some supplies to sort out the wound for Caspain. Glancing over at the pie on the table Iris sighed, picking it up in her hands as she slowly started to pick at it. Eating a little bit, she forced herself to eat because Maisie would not let it go if she didn’t, she started to feel a little awkward but then she was still quite emotional. Upset and somewhat lost, but it did not matter now. It had to be pushed aside because getting him home was more important than anything right now. “Here we are!” Maisie grinned holding some new bandages, “Although I highly doubt, you’ll be able to do this yourself.” [color=f49ac2]“I will do it. It’s not a problem.”[/color] Iris smiled looking up as she put the plate back down, the pie half eaten. “Well alright. I should set up the rooms and get some sleeping bits for everyone. I think I have a spare blanket at least. You sure you’re okay on the sofa? I feel bad.” Maisie sighed as she looked over at Cas before glancing to Iris and the barely touched food. Holding her tongue she would get to the bottom of it later. Passing the bandages over she gave a small wave before disappearing into the bedroom to find comfort for everyone. [color=f49ac2]“Will you be okay on the sofa? Especially with that arm?”[/color] Iris asked gently as she took the bandages looking over at Cas, face still blotchy and red in places from the tears she had shed earlier. [color=f49ac2]“Did you eh.. want me to help? I’d be happy to re patch that up.”[/color] Smiling as she looked down at the bandages in her hands smiling, it was at least something she could do to help him.