Watching the entire scene between Galahad and the bitter old coot bored Asa to death. She quite literally continued to slump in the seat she found herself until her head was flopped to the right sight, eyes shut, and mouth agape. If you were in her general proximity you’d hear the groan reverberating from her throat. Was it the alcohol or was this dramatic girl already so bored that she had turned to dramatics. In the brief mention of a Gryphon however, along with Ray’s offer to cook such a rare specimen, raised Asa from the dead. She shot up from her seat shouting simultaneously, the shrill and aggressive voice piercing out from her gullet. Though never did she really have anything productive to say with those words. [b][color=tomato]“A Gryphon! We have to go hunt that thing down! Food - fun - memories - the stories we could tell!”[/color][/b] Just as quickly as she rose, she fell right back on her ass nearly falling out of the seat. Standing up like that with the amount of alcohol in her system really takes a toll on motor functions. Betelgeuse was bored, too, listening to the marshall and Galahad exchange cadences. While she didn't resort to dramatics, she did take to tapping her foot to the beat of an unheard song to convey her impatience. Betelgeuse wished the chair had tipped over on Asa, so she could see the girl fall. It would at least spice up the stifling air the marshall left behind. [b][color=559A9A] "Can we hunt it now? It'd be more fun if little Asa is tripping around the gryphon like she's stumbling around here."[/color][/b] [b][color=tomato]“I’ll trip this chair into your face, Bete!”[/color][/b] Asa huffed out with careless hostility. She turned to face her witty compatriot with squinted eyes, gripping the arms of the chair as if that was going to do something. The Marshall furrowed his brows at the ensemble before choosing to cast his eyes upon the loudest of the crew. Was this what WARDEN had to offer nowadays? Times truly were changing. Betelgeuse narrowed her eyes at Asa and stepped forward in challenge. Before she could fling herself across their parking lot camp, the marshall spoke again. [color=gainsboro][b]“Well I’ll take that as a possible yes. The gryphon has been spotted throughout the area, but our scouts have come to the conclusion that it’s nest is probably somewhere along the forestline- right of Edger’s Mountain.”[/b][/color] The Marshall’s visage shifted to something a little more concerning, his pale green eyes pulling his sight to the floor. But only for a moment as his serious expression turned back to the group. [b][color=559A9A]"Got it."[/color][/b] Bete said shortly, wanting the marshall to go away now that they have information. He made her uncomfortable with his behavior, all serious like buzzkill Galahad. The Marshall gave Bete a long stare before tipping his hat towards the group and leaving. He whistled to his law enforcement friends to follow him. It was quiet for a moment, and when they were no longer seen, Bete turned glinting eyes onto Asa. [b][color=559A9A]"What is it you said about a chair, Asa?"[/color][/b]