[color=f49ac2]“Yeah, I guess it was. It’s at least given you time to recover some energy, even if it’s only a little.”[/color] Iris smiled slightly happy on a different subject and not her feelings, although the idea of opening up to him wasn’t a bad idea as she had done it once. The problem was she’d only feel guilty for doing it because of everything she had caused, why should she unload her feelings making herself feel better when she felt she didn’t deserve it. [color=f49ac2]“This will probably be the best place we stay.”[/color] Sighing at the realisation on the fact she couldn’t do more to make him comfortable. Hearing his joke, the half-smile tugging at his lip at his lip as he spoke about his bucket list and how couch surfing had been on it only made the guilt resurface. Without noticing the tears left her eyes as she looked at him, listening about how he was living life on the edge and to screw safety. Bowing her head in shame she looked at the bandages in her hand she knew she hadn’t been quite finished with her breakdown, her emotions were still running haywire and it was hard to control. [color=f49ac2]“You never deserved this… it’s all my fault.”[/color] Whispering more to herself as she focused her gaze on the bandages in her hand. [color=f49ac2]“What have I become? I don’t…”[/color] Sighing as she shook her head shaking away the tears before she looked back up, [color=f49ac2]“Sorry… I.. I will be fine, ignore me.”[/color] Trying to smile as she moved over thankful he had leaned a little closer, taking the time she gently began to loosen the bandages trying to take care and not hurt him anymore. Gently removing the old bandages, she cringed seeing the wound, it wasn’t the best looking and she knew there was plenty of time before it would heal. It worried her that it could get infected. What if it got infected whilst they were still here as there was no way she could treat it. Not without medication. Placing the soiled bandages to one side she grabbed the new set and began to wrap them around his bicep, again it had to be tight but not too much so he couldn’t feel his arm. With ease she had re patched him up with the new set of bandages with albeit shaky hands, she had done a good job and she was happy with it. [color=f49ac2]“How does it feel? Not too tight right? I hope it doesn’t get infected… I don’t know what to do on that front.”[/color] Smiling sadly as she looked at the bandaged bicep, [color=f49ac2]“All we can do really is hope that rest will help you recover quicker, at least tonight will be comfortable.”[/color] Rambling slightly as she fiddled with her fingers, a part of her felt nervous being alone with him now. Cas had every right to be angry at her, a part of her wanted him to shout at her, blame her because she was at fault. Another part wanted nothing more than to hug him and say how everything was going to be okay, but she knew that was not appropriate. Not when they could never be with each other and that wasn’t just because of the betrayal but because of their social status, plus she was certain that his father was after her head.