Glad that he had said it felt fine she was thankful that she could do something right, she wasn’t a complete failure and that was something. It was a slither of hope amongst her dark thoughts. [color=f49ac2][i]He must be in pain though and I don’t have any painkillers for him. I doubt he has ever experienced pain like this before. Another thing that’s my fault[/i][/color]. As the silence lapsed over them her thoughts spiralled back into the darkness and despair, she felt for all that she had caused. It wasn’t just Cas that she had hurt greatly, but the fact she had also betrayed her father practically walked out on what little family she had left still played at her mind. Iris wasn’t just worried over him finding her and killing her, it ran deeper than that. It was hard to deny the fact she loved her father, turn her back on him after everything because she did love him. He was her father; he had helped raise her. Somewhat looked after her after her mother passed, sure his parenting hadn’t always been ethical, but he still loved her. She believed that, she had to believe that and even though he wasn’t right it was hard to push that away. Regis may have strayed from the path, but what if she could have changed him? His voice had pulled her from her thoughts, and she jumped at the touch on her forearm, the warm hand that she wished she could just hold once more. [color=f49ac2]“B-But… I can’t fix it. This can’t be fixed, and you know that.”[/color] Feeling her own breath hitch as she tried to avoid his gaze but couldn’t, looking him in the eyes she felt her own well up again as she trembled. [color=f49ac2]“How can you say that? H-How can you say I’m not a bad person.”[/color] Feeling the distress as she glanced around the room the despair in her voice evident, she could feel her heart pounding away as she lowered her gaze. [color=f49ac2]“… A-After everything. A-After all I did…”[/color] Shaking her head as she tried to hide behind her hair that had fallen in front of her face, she was so upset and she didn’t want him to see the hurt in her own eyes. Finally finding some bedding Maisie folding it neatly placing it on the bed, glancing around she looked for anything else that would make his stay a bit more comfortable whilst here. A part of her was looking for distractions as she knew they had to be talking, she knew her friend wasn’t the best at keeping her emotions in check when tired or on the verge. Maisie knew Cas liked her and she was certain he would at least ask or try to make her feel better, regardless of everything he seemed like a decent person. Glancing to the door she approached it and placed her ear to the wood just trying to hear anything, she didn’t want to walk in like Cas had done. Biting her lip as she took the time she cringed as she heard Iris refer to herself as a bad person, she wanted to jump in and say don’t be stupid, but she knew it wouldn’t help. Not yet. Sighing to herself she looked over at the clock deciding she would give it a bit of time before returning.