Iris knew she had stopped her dad from killing him, she knew she was trying to help him get home and as much as it was good of her to do that it didn’t fix anything for her. As much as he said she didn’t have to undo the past to fix it, that she was trying she just didn’t feel it was good enough. Nothing would be good enough, nothing she could do would ever change that. All it had taken was one choice, one action that had completely changed their lives and not for the better. [color=f49ac2]“This never would have happened had you not saved me in the woods.”[/color] The words left her mouth before she could stop them, a dark truth of her emotions. That one sentence that had been on her mind for a while, how different things would have been had she not been saved from the forest. Even though her head was bowed, her eyes downcast she couldn’t help but look at the touch of his hand, the stroke on her arm that stirred up emotions she was trying to fight against. The slither of hope that they could rekindle, that they could work something out but the minute she felt it she tried to squash the thoughts back down. Even though her heart raced at the touch. The fact it felt so inviting and she wanted nothing more than to just hold him and feel the comfort, she knew she couldn’t. Cas was right though, even though all his words saying how it was true, how she wasn’t a bad person because she had felt regret, the guilt. A bad person wouldn’t care who they hurt, and she did. [color=f49ac2][i]I just can’t see it right now and here I am letting him comfort me when I don’t even know what he could be going through. He’s suffering worse than me and I am just being so selfish. What is wrong with me? I am the worst[/i][/color]. Flinching at her own thoughts, her own words that she was beating herself up over she clenched her hands curling them into fists. “Hey.” Maisie spoke up as she finally returned to the room with blankets and pillows for Cas, “I think it’s high time everyone gets some rest. I know it’s early, but you’re both probably tired.” Placing the covers by the sofa she glanced over at Iris before looking at the tea and the pie that was barely touched bar a few bites. “I have an idea for tomorrow. To get you past those gates.” Changing the subject onto something else, something that her friend would be able to focus on she hoped it would give some sort of positivity to her. Grabbing the plate and full cup of tea she moved them to the kitchen to clean up later as she continued on, keeping an eye on her friend. “I was thinking. Tomorrow you both leave, keep near the gate. I’ll contact Ethan say I’ve spotted you by your house. They’ll instantly go back to look giving you an opening to slip through. What do you think?”