"W-Wow... I didn't realize there'd be so many strong fighters here..." Kiro muttered after seeing the impressive display of power from Majin Eve and Jackie Chun. He clapped with the rest of his friends, as he gulped. It was his turn to fight next. Kiro took a glance over at the angered Eno, '[i]can I really beat him...?[/i]' the boy pondered, as his legs shook uncontrollably. "Our final match in the quarter finals will be the young Kiro, versus Eno!" The announcer exclaimed in an attempt to get the crowd riled up. (Hawkeyes wont mind this slight powerplay...) Akita rested a hand on Kiro's shoulder, "You got this, buddy!" She smiled at his friend, as she gave him a nod. Kiro returned the nod, as he nervously stepped onto the stage. "Any words for the crowd, boys!?" The announcer questioned, as he hovered the mic over to Kiro. Kiro began to sweat profusely, as he was too nervous to speak. The boy sat in awkward silence for a few moments, before the announcer took the microphone away. "Uhhh, okay..." The announcer ran over to Eno, who had just positioned himself opposite of Kiro on the other side of the ring, "what about you, sir, anything?" he held the microphone up to Eno's mouth. The angered Crane student stood in silence, as he eyed Kiro down. '[i]I'll beat this kid senseless. That'll show that old man to mess around with me...[/i]' "Uhhh, alrighty then!" The announcer awkwardly turned away from Eno, and towards the crowd, "It looks like our fighters just want to get straight to the action, so let's do it!" With that, the man ran off to the corner of the stage (a safe distance away), as he raised his hand into the air, "Annnddd..." Eno got into a classic crane hermit fighting pose, never taking his eyes off of Kiro. Kiro tried to shake away his fear, as he put two fists up himself, and positioned his legs into a stance. The boy looked more serious now, as he stared Eno down, but beads of sweat dripping from his head still gave away his nervousness. "BEGIN!" The announcer threw down his hand. Kiro and Eno both rushed towards each other at once, as the began exchanging blows at amazing speeds. "Wow! All of these fighters are so impressively fast!" The announcer commented. Neither fighter was able to land a single hit on each other, as the continued to dodge and evade each other's attack. They both sent up uppercuts at the same time. Kiro's eyes widened, as he noticed the punch coming just in time, as he slipped his head backwards to avoid it. Eno mirrored Kiro, as he dodged as well. To counter, Eno threw out a fierce punch towards the boy's face, just as Kiro threw out a speedy kick towards Eno's head. The two tried to dodge each other's attacks, but both ended up receiving small cuts as both attacks barely connected. Kiro jumped backwards, as he backwards somersaulted to his edge of the stage. Eno jumped back as well, ending up parallel to Kiro. Kiro breathed heavily, as he tried to catch his breath. Eno did the same, as he smiled, "Done already, are we?" "N-Not even close." Kiro lied. "Come on, then!" Eno charged at Kiro while the boy was tired, as they went into an exchange of blows again. Roshi pushed passed the crowd, as he found Ally towards the front. Red marks and blood revealed themselves, as the peered just from out of coverage from his hat. '[i]Damn wig...[/i]' He rubbed some of the marks on the back of his head, '[i]maybe I used too much super glue...[/i]' Roshi thought to himself, as he patted Ally on the back, "sorry! Had to use the restroom. Burritos and all that. Made me kinda gassy!" He laughed, "what'd I miss?" The old man questioned, as he looked up to observe the fight. Kiro was losing this exchange this time, as every fifth attack of Eno's landed. A hit to Kiro's head, his chest, then to his side. Bruises began to show on his face, as he tried to keep his guard strong. "What's the matter!? You're not keeping up like you were before!" Eno laughed, as he continued the barrage of attacks. "Show me some power, shorty!" He yelled, as he finally jumped away, after delivering a powerful knee to Kiro's chest. Kiro hit the ground heard, as he sat there curled up, holding his chest. Tears escaped his eyes, as he winced. "What's this!? I thought they were going at it evenly, but Kiro seems to have taken the first hit of the match!" The announcer wrongly deduced. "Mmm..." Roshi voiced with disappointment, "Kiro is strong, but this other boy has much too much stamina for our friend." "Are you done!? Is this all the Turtle School has to offer!?" Eno questioned with anger. "You wanna see what I got!? How bout this!?" Kiro yelled back, as he suddenly shot himself straight towards Eno, going in for a fierce headbutt to the chin. "Huh!?" Eno was caught off guard, but quickly put his arms in a curling position at either side, as he whispered: "Iron body..." Kiro's attack hit him dead on, but left Eno unfazed. The tall boy smiled wickedly, as he gave Kiro a mean hook to the head, sending him flying across the arena. Kiro caught himself, as he slid across the floor. He wiped some blood from his cheek, as he looked on at Eno. "I-It didn't hurt him at all...?" He muttered with confusion, as he sighed, "I was saving this for my battle with Shin or Akita, but it looks like I've got no choice." The boy spoke quite seriously, as he put the base of his palms together, and held it close to his chest. Roshi's eyes widened, "N-No way! There's no way any of those brats have learned it already!" "Kame...." Kiro began, as his palms began to glow. Eno resumed his fighting stance, ready for whatever Kiro was about to pull. "A secret technique!? What could it be that Kiro's trying to pull off!?" The announcer questioned for the crowd. "hame..." The light in Kiro's hands got brighter, as he suddenly jumped into the air above his opponent, "HAAAAA!" He yelled, as an enormous blue blast rushed out from his hands, and straight towards Eno. A huge gust of wind hit the crowd, as it caused many hats, wigs, and newspapers fly off into the distance. Roshi gasped, as his hat flew away as well, and he held onto the wall of the arena to keep his own self from flying away, "I-Impossible! How could he have possibly learned my technique!?" Eno gritted his teeth, as the blast flew straight for him. He clasped his hands together, and left his index fingers pointed up to the sky in some sort of defensive stance. "N-No way, is Eno planning on blocking the attack instead of dodging it!? I-Incredible!" The announced exclaimed out, as he took cover from the ground beside the stage, with only his head visible from atop of it. "HAAA!" Eno exclaimed, as the attack hit him at full force, burning most of his shirt. His feet slid back, as he struggled a little to contain the attack. Suddenly, the blue blast began to deform, as it was suddenly sent flying upwards. "H-He deflected it!?" Roshi and the announcer exclaimed at once. "Wha!?!" Kiro yelled out nervously, as he tried to swim his way away from the blast (because he can't fly). He succeeded just barely, as the blast sped straight passed him, and exploded upon impacting with the side of the building behind the stage. "Wheh..." Kiro sighed with relief, but suddenly, Eno appeared directly behind him. "Take this!" Eno yelled, as he caught Kiro by surprise, hitting the boy downward with both his fists. Kiro had no time to react, and was sent flying down to the ring. He flopped onto the ground, as he slid slightly. Beaten and bruised, Kiro didn't even have the strength to move anymore. Eno came speeding down behind Kiro, his knee outstretched, as he fell full-force onto Kiro's right leg. "AHHHH!" Kiro cried out in pain. Eno jumped away, only to immediately leap back into the air for the same attack on Kiro's leg. "AHHH!" Kiro cried again, unable to do anything to defend himself. Eno jumped back into the air, as he performed the knee-attack one more time on Kiro, this time really rubbing in his knee as to make sure he had it so Kiro wouldn't be walking any time soon. "Stop, stop!" The announced stood in front of the wounded boy, as to protect him from Eno. "Can't you see he's down for the count!?" He yelled at Eno. "Well," Eno smirked, as he turned away, ready to leave the ring, "are you going to call it or not?" "Huh?" The announcer questioned. "The kid's clearly unconscious. Call the fight." Eno spoke casually. "O-Oh, right..." The announcer looked down at the unconscious boy, "Win by knockout! Eno progresses to the semi-finals!" The announcer announces, as Eno calmly left the stage and disappeared. A member of the stage crew came, and whispered something in the announcer's ear. "Well," the announcer composed himself, "as it is getting late," he gestured to the sun setting in the distance, "we will continue on with the grand tournament tomorrow, as we'll find out who will make it to the finals!" He tried to get the crowd excited, as medics came onto the scene for Kiro.