[h2][centre] [color=a2d39c]

[color=f6989d]Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" [/color][color=6ecff6]& Victoria Darya Romus "Vika" [/color][/color][/centre][/h2]
[h3][centre] [color=a2d39c]Tuesday - Sol City Hospital - Hephaestus Manor - [/color][/centre][/h3]

[b]Taco Tuesday - Keyla Chaos[/b] 

Marinalia seeing the level of damage done to Xia definitely was protective to say the least, seeing her hurt like that just hurt, really hurt. Marlin was not quite so able to hurt them back but she would definitely find every way she could find to protect Xia right now. Marlin would not give her the easy way out on this one, for her own best interest she was not taking no for an answer. Well gently anyway, she would have to be careful with Xia right now though as she was so obviously delicate. [i][color=f6989d]"What's mine is yours. What comes along we face together."[/color][/i] Giving her a gentle smile and squeeze on her good hand. Hopefully it got the message across that help was not a chore, problem or burden. 

Making it in, well Xia had a key now which would make life a lot easier when Marlin was working and could come and go as needed to all her appointments and such. Having to wait on her and Victoria for everything would be a pain for everyone and definitely not Xia or how she would ever want to work. [i][color=f6989d]"When your better, il show you exactly how too nice I can be. He needs... Adjustments. But he behaved properly... Incentives."[/color][/i] Xia would know exactly that Her mum and his mum would definitely keeps him in line for now, especially when Marlin when full polar bear against him.

The stairs would prove a problem, especially how there was more to the second floor where there bedroom was but if it was a bad day, her suite had a bathroom, living area and everything else on the same floor as her mother was staying so could least make the best of a slightly less desirable situation. 

Marlin was too busy helping Xia and taking the light lunch over she had made up, a bit silly and rather much something she enjoyed as a child. Somehow darker events needed a little whimsy. Disney plus definitely was fun, not that she had most of them somewhere, they were not in the US so this was an easier way to have all her favourites. [i][color=f6989d]"A British, not so fancy delicacy. Trust me, it's a strange idea but it works.

Wake up babe, those with food, should help the pain. I make a nice pillow if you need it.``[/color][/i] Having worked out least the basic medication she needed so far. She put up a good front, but Marlin knew her least enough to tell she was definitely in pain. Adding a gentle kiss to wake her up if Xia was half asleep. There were things to do, but nap time with her girlfriend was not so bad...


Checking her phone finding a voicemail mid way eating to see when Victoria would be back, oh crap! Her mum had arrived already, airport. Airport. Quickly calling back though Mrs Alexander had been at front of all her various old etiquette classes she had insisted on a more informal title.[i][color=f6989d]"Mrs Alex.. Keyla? Wait, airport. Umm Victoria, dang."[/color][/i] Looking over to see, Xia, she could not leave her alone right now, the woman definitely needed company and care. Leaving her alone just felt wrong in her gut. [i][color=f6989d]"We only just made it home, Don't want to leave her alone right now. My sister Vika is not home. Il text you my address Keyla, if Carlo cannot, just tell them you're with Captain Romus Olympus at Daedalus desk, they sort you a taxi. Il text you our address."[/color][/i] Our address, she could help not but giggle at being able to say that line somewhat. It was first time really properly. Then came her little panic. Well major minor panic. Forgetting to close the call. [i][color=f6989d]"your mum forgot to message, she at airport. Oh, I never got the decent fluffy towels dried, the trip to that Caribbean superMarket, the guest room needs making up. So much I not done... She going to think I'm a bad host... " [/color][/i] Small as Marlins worries where in some circumstances, the best impression she did want to try and make. [i][color=f6989d]"You ok if I quickly get the guest room finished and whatever wine left in fridge."[/color][/i] Giving her a gentle kiss and leaving her phone, just text myself. [color=f6989d][i]My smart watch will buzz if you need me[/i][/color]. She still had to collect Xias that was still in for repair tomorrow. It was a minor miracle to repair the thing, it probably would be more new parts than old. 

Heading up, it was not perfect but at least she had sheets on the bed, some nice-ish clean white towels in the esuite, nice soap and even a pack of oreos on the pillow not having anything more grown up. It was smaller off the 3 story atrium but nice, views of park unlike the side facing one on first with no esuite which definitely not suitable for more than a night. Placing a few flowers taken from the arrangement in the entrance into a small vase by the window, little things at least are civilised and seem welcoming ignoring the fact her choice of valve looked like a fried egg with an orange vase on a white plate in whimsy. It was eggcellent.

A shiver ran down her spine, like someone had meant her greatly ill or a grave insult... Ignoring the strange feeling she headed back down to check on Xia and also be able to buzz Keyla in and greet her when she arrived after having changed out her jeans into a more comfortable loose longer skirt and sandals for the warmer weather that kept going up slowly but surely. Keep this up and she be in a pretty little summer dress by Friday, not that get objections Marlin was sure. 

[@King Tai] 
[@Almalthia] - like someone walked on her grave...