[h2]Yuriko T. Louvyngyr[/h2]

The walk down to the shopping district was, all in all, pretty uneventful. They did stop briefly when Jack noticed a young woman walking a floppy-eared puppy, which not only served as a chance for Jack to pet a puppy but also for Yuriko to do her best to chat up the young woman. She hadn't seemed entirely unreceptive... but it didn't really go anywhere and Yuriko didn't get a number, so she might as well have been.

Soon enough, they arrived at a children's apparel shop. It was only the second time Yuriko would be entering one.

"Alright, Jack, we're going to pick out some cute clothes," the dark-haired young woman said, glancing around the shop. The selection was much as it had been when she'd entered previously, but this time Yuriko was going to give Jack a little more freedom to pick out something she liked. At least for one of the outfits. She decided it might not have been the best idea to give her freedom for all of them... especially after she somehow managed to destroy the clothing she liked the most from the last pair. Yuriko still didn't quite understand how that had happened.

"Do you see anything you like?"

Yuriko herself certainly did. The girl behind the counter was impossible to ignore. A knockout body and a pretty face...

Ah, but she had to at least help Jack pick something out before she got too distracted!

[@Raineh Daze]