Maisie boiled the kettle as she glanced over at Cas as he made himself comfortable on the sofa, a part of her wished she could do more but for now this was the best. A place for them to stay and eat, it was better than nothing. “Gosh I hope you don’t stay on that sofa for a whole month, no offence but this is a guy free zone.” Grinning to herself as she busied herself making cups of tea for them all, as much as she was a happy carefree spirit, she couldn’t help but worry for her friend. Not only that she was worried for the Prince because of the wound and being away from the Capital. There was a war coming and she could feel it. “Huh?” Shaking her head as she brought over a cup of tea, she set his on the table listening to his request, “Oh! Wow, why didn’t we think of that before? We were so caught up in everything we forgot how to communicate.” Laughing to herself as she reached for her bag grabbing out her mobile, it looked like a brick phone. Nothing was fancy or smart about it, but it could call and text which was the most important. “I bet her phone died.” Contemplating the thought of what happened to her friends’ phone, “Or she left it behind.” Shrugging her shoulders, she handed Cas the phone smiling. “This could just be the call needed… but… all I ask if you don’t give away this address. Please. Only because I know what the soldiers are like, what destruction they can bring, and they will arrest before listening to reason whether or not you say we helped you.” Moving back into the kitchen she took a sip at her own tea smiling, “You can say the residential district of twelve though. It’s not a massive district or residential area so they should know were you are with that information.” Using the kitchen side to lean against she would wait until the phone call was over, after all it could mean good news and she could use it to help Iris out of her slump. She knew how dangerous that mindset could be, and she only wanted to help. The emotional roller coaster didn’t end, as much as Iris wanted to be happy and act strong inside, she was a complete and utter mess. Looking around Maisies room it felt familiar, she had been here before, and the warmth of the room gave her a little bit of comfort. Glancing at the bed she moved over sitting herself down smiling at the comfort, it was soft loads better than the bomb shelter she had stayed in the night before. Fingers touched the fabric feeling the rough cotton beneath her fingers her gaze dropped to the floor, she could feel how on edge she was. It felt like at any moment she would just break down and cry again. [color=f49ac2][i]Pathetic.[/i][/color] Thinking to herself as she curled up on the bed trying to ignore her emotions, she didn’t want to burden anyone with how she felt because to her it wasn’t important. Right now the most important thing in her life was getting Cas home and ensuring his safety, fixing the mistake she had made in the first place.