[color=#b97703]“I hope not too,”[/color] Cas agreed with a tired smile when Maisie said she hoped he wouldn’t stay for a month. [color=#b97703]“You’re nice company and all, but I want to get home as soon as possible… Wouldn’t want to intrude on your ‘guy free zone’ any longer than I have to.”[/color] He winked at her jokingly as he added on the last bit. In all seriousness, Iris’s friend was more pleasant to be around than he’d expected. He had nothing against the amnesiac, but given her track record with Ethan, Regis, and whoever else she knew that was part of the rebellion, he hadn’t had the highest hopes that he would get along with anyone else she knew. Their hostess was turning out to be someone he could have seen himself becoming friends with if the circumstances were different. When she brought over his tea, he laughed along with her. [color=#b97703]“Today’s been hectic though,”[/color] he shrugged one shoulder. [color=#b97703]“To be honest, I’m pretty sure I forgot cellphones existed for about twenty-four hours.”[/color] Going a few days without access to one had definitely shifted his priorities. He’d gotten so used to relying on things he could see in front of his face that the thought of finding more tools like electronics hadn’t really crossed his mind. He was just glad he’d thought of calling his father before he and Iris left her friend’s place tomorrow. [color=#b97703]“I’ll just give them a meeting location to pick me up somewhere outside,”[/color] he assured Maisie as he took the phone from her hand. He didn’t really understand why she was so concerned about the soldiers when he’d already told her that they would listen to him, but he was too exhausted to waste time arguing about it. Instead, he dialed the number he knew by heart to reach the royal family’s residence and lifted the brick-like phone to his ear while he waited for his tea to cool. It wasn’t his father or a servant who answered the phone though. [i]Who is this?[/i] An unfamiliar voice demanded through the speaker, masculine and hostile in its tone. Cas blinked, thrown off until he realized that his call must have been intercepted by capital security, since it was coming from an unknown number in the twelfth district. His initial surprise was replaced with a wave of relief. He’d needed to get in contact with the military anyway, so this was much faster than speaking to the king first. [color=#b97703]“Oh, thank god,”[/color] he sighed. [color=#b97703]“This is Caspian. I’m stuck in Tongsen, and I need—”[/color] [i]Alright, I’m going to stop you right there,[/i] the soldier interrupted in a growl. [i]I don’t have time for this nonsense right now. Do yourself a favor and don’t call this number again.[/i] The warning was punctuated with a dial tone as the other man hung up. [color=#b97703]“Um, what the hell?”[/color] Cas stared at the phone incredulously. He hadn’t known what he was expecting when he’d tried to call home, but this grumpy guard definitely wasn’t helping. With a twinge of annoyance, he punched in the number again and lifted the device to his ear. The same soldier answered: [i]Listen, kid, if I have to tell you one more time—[/i] [color=#b97703]“No, you listen to me,”[/color] Cas snapped. Under normal circumstances, he would never have lost his temper with a disrespectful soldier this quickly. However, right now, he was tired, achy, and didn’t have the patience to put up with anyone else who would delay him from getting back to the mansion. [color=#b97703]“You’re going to send an escort team to the gate between Tongsen and Bel Bicis to pick me up tomorrow morning. I expect them to be there no later than eleven. That should give you plenty of time to organize whoever and whatever you need to carry out your orders. Are we clear?”[/color] To his bewilderment, the soldier just laughed. [i]You’ve got balls to try telling me what to do, kid. I know you’re not really Prince Caspian. In fact, I’ve traced the signal of this call to your exact location, and if you call this number again, I’ll send a drone in to blow you to pieces. Just try me if you don’t believe it. I’ll enjoy proving you wrong.[/i] He hung up the phone again. Cas gawped at the device in his hand, in disbelief about how certain the solder had been that he wasn’t who he claimed to be. [color=#b97703]“What the fuck!?”[/color] he squawked. [color=#b97703]“He thought I was a [i]prank caller[/i]? When I’ve been missing for [i]five days[/i]? How stupid can he be?”[/color] He moved to dial the number again and then froze with his thumb still hovering over the keypad. Knowing that the military actually had the capability to trace calls and send drones to strike enemies remotely, he couldn’t risk trying again and getting them all killed. With a frustrated scoff, he set Maisie’s phone down on the table and picked up his drink. [color=#b97703]“Well, that was a waste of time,”[/color] he muttered, slouching down on the sofa and taking a sip of the warm tea. [color=#b97703]“Looks like we’ll have to go with your idea after all, because my own guards can’t recognize my damn voice.”[/color]