Jacob has a fouler mouth than most characters I write, but he comes from a military background, so it made sense for him to swear a lot. Personality-wise, he's similar though xD He's fun to write too. Also, you can write out what happens to Regis in the interrogation room if you'd like! The interrogators would inject the Aproveset into the side of his neck, and it would take about five minutes before he starts experiencing excruciating pain and his mind gets muddled. The purpose of the drug is to essentially light a fire under POWs' butts to get them to give up their secrets by promising an antidote to relieve the pain if they comply. The effects it has on the brain make it harder for prisoners to think straight and remember why they're supposed to keep secrets in the first place. I was going to write the interaction between Jacob and Atlas in the meantime. Neither of those things has to happen all in one post too.