[hider= Character Sheet]

Name: Michelle Kine

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Brief History: Michelle grew up in a rich household, having an advanced education and plenty of privileges at an early age. Despite this, she never truly felt satisfied with her life. She was merely following directions from her parents, as if she was merely a doll. At the same time, she didn't quite know what she wanted to do, until the day she saw from the window of her study room a group of kids playing outside in a Duel. It was the first time she saw something that truly brought a bit of light into her otherwise dark world, and it was then that she knew what she wanted to do. She used what she had and got a starter deck, building upon it further until it grew into the deck she had today, and her skill with Duel Monsters grew. She even gained enough attention to be accepted into Duel Academy, and that was where she was headed as soon as she was able.

Personality: Michelle is a girl with a serious and honest attitude. She says what she means and means what she says. She possesses an academic mind and is very serious in her goal to become an excellent Duelist. 

Ace Monster: Arcanite Magician

[hider= Deck list]
[u]Monsters:[/u] 12
Arcanite Magician/Assault Mode x 2
Endymion, the Master Magician x 1
The Tricky x 1
Oracle of the Sun x 1
Breaker, the Magical Warrior x 1
Defender, the Magical Knight x 1
Magical Exemplar x 1
Magical Something x 1
Night's End Sorcerer x 1
Arcane Apprentice x 2

[u]Spells:[/u] 22
Magical Citadel of Endymion x 2
Spell Power Master x 2
Spell Power Grasp x 3
Spellbook of the Master x 2
Spellbook of Power x 1
Spellbook of Wisdom x 1
Spellbook Star Hall x 2
Spellbook of Secrets x 3
Endymion's Lab x 2
Assault Teleport x 1
Assault Mode Zero x 1
Miracle Synchro Fusion x 1
Instant Fusion x 1

[u]Traps:[/u] 6
Assault Mode Activate! x 3
Assault Counter x 1
Magician's Circle x 1
Pitch-Black Power Stone x 1

[u]Extra:[/u] 5
Arcanite Magician x 2
Tempest Magician x 1
Supreme Arcanite Magician x 1
Magician King x 1