“End my suffering?” Regis scoffed, that was pathetic, and he knew that even if he gave away any secrets it wouldn’t end his suffering. There was no way that they’d just let him go like it was nothing. Regis knew he would not be walking out of here; he would not be leaving this cell alive and this man was potentially the last person he would see before he was killed. At least he could have his fun, he could continue to terrorize the Royal family until he was dead and that was his intention. [i]My name will be remembered in history as the man who brought down the monarchy. [/i] A delusional smile crossed his face as he thought on how he would be remembered, the sole purpose of the rebellion had passed him by. The man couldn’t remember what the cause stood for anymore as he’d been so caught up in killing the boy, the Prince. He had finally gotten his wish, but a part of his mind was telling him that wasn’t true. A brief glimpse of his daughter, her pure heart and how that kindness ruined his plan. Shaking his head, he knew that was a lie, no. Reigs had killed the prince, the blood was everywhere he had done it. He had saved the people, saved his soul and gotten his ultimate revenge. “How does it feel knowing you can’t bury him.” The cold words left his lips as he continued with the idea that he had burned the Prince alive. There was no body to bury, no proper funeral and it reminded him of his own wife. Clenching his hands into fists a memory of his own had pushed through the alcoholic state, that his wife was not buried. There were no such things as funerals, headstones, wakes in the district. The ground was dug, and a body was thrown in like it was any other day. A dark memory of his that he had pushed back for a reason. As if coming from his delirious state he looked back at Jacob who had claimed he had given him a chance. “Sure, you did. All you’ll learn is that the Prince is dead and there’s nothing you can do to change that fact. Tell your King that it was I, I ruined his monarchy with great pleasure.” The words rolled off of his tongue naturally as he truly believed that bringing down the monarchy had been the answer. Grinning to himself rather smugly he didn’t flinch as the cell of his opened up, a soldier holding some sort of needle. Regis felt nothing as the needle was stuck into his neck a substance being injected into him, that pain was nothing compared to not having a drink and that was his current priority. His age was starting to show, the pale wrinkled skin of his covered in various different colours from purples to blues signifying the beatings he had endured so far. Licking his lips as he watched Jacob leave he laughed in his cell throwing his head back in pure joy that he was causing absolute misery to the Capital.