
[quote=Emily]"... You do know that half the Coven consists of Apparitions? Or people who get their powers from them...?" Emily just had to remind Jessica. Again. Mainly because she just loves rubbing in how nonsensical that logic is in her face.

"If you want to kick Apparition ass," Babylon appeared yet again, except merely her head. Jutting out of the side of Emily's body and the girl didn't even flinch. As if this was normal for her. "Mine's always up for the taking... if you're brave enough. Hahahahahahahahaha..." She giggled as she disappeared again.[/quote]

Jess was used to this statement from Emily. [color=f26522]"I get that not all apparitions are bad. And there are even some that can be... useful."[/color] She gave a glance at Babylon when she said this. [color=f26522]"I'm obviously talking about the bad guys."[/color] After she finished, Agatha gave her small speech, which riled Jess up. [color=f26522]"Like whoever or whatever's behind this!"[/color] The coven seemed mostly against looking into it, and Jess knew this wasn't the type of thing to do alone. [color=f26522]"I'd be all in to looking into this, but there is the possibility it's not even extra-normal. That's a good point Madison. I guess we'll have to see if something shows its face first!"[/color] She didn't like having to wait, but she liked the thought of being arrested and blamed for this even less. Jess appreciated Riley's comment about looking into the matter, but Madison shot it down quickly. Madison seemed really against fighting apparitions even though her abstraction was perfect for it.

It was about this time that Kayla mentioned her problems. [color=f26522]"Holy shit, vampires? I'm in. I don't like the whole crime part, but they're vampires! We totally have to take them on![/color] Jess was excited to be doing something adventurous. She might have to find something else to use as a weapon though if they weren't fighting normal apparitions. [color=f26522]"Count me in Kayla! I'm coming too!"[/color] Jess barely even thought of the danger and things that could go wrong. This was too exciting! She gets to live a real life adventure in this day and age! [color=f26522]"So you got a plan of attack, or are we just going there looking tough?"[/color] She asked Kayla, just to be on the same page.


Elise had pretty much half watched what happened after her short talk with Sin. She also noticed that Molly had come in. She could have come and sat with her, but Elise knew how it was. She was surprised to find her small bar retreat being so crowded. It was okay though, she didn't hate anyone who was here. Nina mentioned cleaning up the hideout, which sounded nice enough, but Ellie sort of liked it in it's current state. It had character. Agatha spoke of some grisly murders. Elise was all for keeping her nose the hell out of it. [color=00aeef]"Madison is correct. Our dabbling in this would only convince the public eye that we are involved. It's far too risky to do. People dying like that is awful, I agree, but we are not spirit detectives."[/color] Riley and Jess were far too interested, and of course [i]Emily[/i] showed interest. Further reason to stay out of it.

Kayla's plan was just as ridiculous, but it seemed like the Coven agenda for the day. Several of the girls had already showed interest. Any time they decided to do something dangerous, Ellie felt obligated to go. She was able to get everyone out of danger (even if it exhausted the hell out of her) if she needed to. She didn't want anyone in the coven to die. Not even Emily. There were two reasons for that however, One being the usual human belief of not wishing death on others, the second being Babylon. If Emily died, who knows what Babylon would do next. She seemed a little satiated for now, like a child with a brand new toy. The longer she could stay like that, the better. 

Ellie meekly raised her hand. [color=00aeef]"I'll tag along too, Kayla."[/color] The fact that the hicks were allegedly vampires also piqued her interest. Elise wondered what they might look like, what kind of abilities they might possess. She decided to bring her notebook and pen along to take notes about them. Perhaps she could add her findings to a book she was working on about the extra normal. She knew that her short and frail appearance wouldn't be intimidating, and she wouldn't be much help in a fight, but she had her uses, and she hoped that Kayla remembered that.