[color=8B4513][b][sub][sup][h2]R U L E S O F T H E R E A L M:[/h2][/sup][/sub][/b][/color][hr] [COLOR=808080][B][I][U]Rules on Character Creation:[/u][/i][/b][/color] [indent][i] • Character applications should be made by posting complete sheets in the OOC for review by the GM(s). Incomplete or ‘WIP’ progress should not be posted and will be ignored. • Applications will not be approved until the GM(s) has/have had proper time to look over the sheet and discuss any issues in the sheets with the applicants. Please keep an open mind while tweaking your character with the GM(s), and please don’t nag. • Players are permitted only one primary character. This character can die and be replaced, but good reason must be given to the GM(s) for the action to be considered.[/i][/indent] [COLOR=808080][B][I][U]Rules on the Out of Character Thread:[/u][/i][/b][/color] [indent][i] • Respect the Game Master. The GM’s word is final, and if a law is laid then do not argue or disregard it. Failure to adhere will result in ejection from the game and a polite request not to return. • Respect your fellow players. Debate and constructive criticism is fine; flaming and outright nastiness is not. If you feel there are glaring issues with another player that must be addressed, contact the GM privately. Failure to adhere will result in ejection from the game and a polite request not to return. • If a quarrel arises between players, either ask the GM to adjudicate, or take it to a private format. Do not use the OOC Thread to quibble among yourselves. • Feel free to chat, but try not to let talk unrelated to the game run rampant. [/i][/indent] [COLOR=808080][B][I][U]Rules on the In Character Thread:[/u][/i][/b][/color] [indent][i]• Do not take control of another player’s character without express permission from both the player involved and the GM as to the extent of the actions. Doing so will be counted as God-Modding or Meta-Gaming, and will be considered a serious offence. Killing another character without permission will result in removal of the post, immediate ejection from the game, and a polite request not to return. • No OOC posting in the IC Thread. That’s what the OOC Thread is for. Obviously. [/i][/indent]