Caspian slept soundly through the night. Maisie’s sofa made a comfortable bed, and for the first time in days, he wasn’t afraid of being snuck up on while he was unconscious. The peace of mind allowed him to relax enough to make it until morning before he began to stir again, and even then, he didn’t fully wake up. Rather, he stretched languidly and rolled from his side onto his stomach, his injured arm dangling limply over the edge of the couch. Distantly, he was aware that there was hazy light filtering into the room through the window, but he was far too comfortable to get up. He exhaled slowly and drifted off again until he was roused by the feeling of a hand on his shoulder. Recognizing Iris’s voice, he shifted on the sofa and mumbled something incoherent, lifting his limp arm to rub his eyes. The motion caused his injury to ache, and he winced, suddenly reminded of the wound’s existence. The pain wasn’t quite as bad as it had been the day before though, so at least it seemed to be healing. He had to believe that was a good sign. [color=#b97703]“Wha’ time is it?”[/color] he mumbled, his words slurring together lazily as he forced himself to sit up. The hair on the right side of his head stuck up at random angles, ruffled after he’d slept on it for most of the night, and he blinked tiredly as he tried to gather his bearings. He saw Iris kneeling in front of him first, then Maisie who was standing behind her. The latter had a disapproving look on her face, and he wondered if he’d missed something while he had been asleep. The others looked like they had been up for a little while longer than he had, so he wouldn’t have been surprised to find out that they’d been talking and he had slept through it. [color=#b97703]“Did I miss breakfast?”[/color] he asked, stretching his arms. He’d decided not to ask about Maisie’s sour expression. If they’d had a fight about something, he probably didn’t need to poke his nose into it. Chances were, it had nothing to do with him, and even if it did, he assumed the subject would come up on its own. It was safer to play dumb until one of them dragged him into it, because right now he barely had the mental capacity to remember why they needed to hit the road again that day. [color=#b97703]“I think I made the right decision by choosing to crash on the sofa,”[/color] he said, glancing past Iris at Maisie with a smile in the hopes that he could try to lift the mood. [color=#b97703]“This thing is hella comfortable. I slept like a rock.”[/color]