“No, you haven’t missed breakfast, I’ll sort something out. You can both at least eat before leaving.” Shooting a glance at Iris before heading into the kitchen to rustle something up. [color=f49ac2]“No, sorry. Did you want to rest some more a bit? I just thought we should head off was all. It’s going to be a long trek, especially getting you back today.”[/color] Smiling as she stood herself up looking over at Maisie who was now in the kitchen sorting something for breakfast, she felt her stomach churn at the idea of food knowing it wouldn’t be easy to stomach. That could have been because she felt off, something wasn’t right, and it wasn’t her feverish skin. “Oh, I know! It’s not a bad sleep.” Maisie smiled placing a cup of tea on the table for Cas and passed him a couple of slices of toast. It would hide the fact the bread was stale at least and make it taste just a little better. “Eat up, I’ll work on those supplies you’ll need if you are adamant on leaving today.” Looking back over at Iris before she sighed and moved to the bedroom to gather up what little she had to assist them in their journey. “Food is in the kitchen Iris. Help yourself.” Waving her off as she headed into the bedroom closing the door behind her. [color=f49ac2]“You don’t have too…”[/color] Trailing off as her friend disappeared, she shook her head before moving into the kitchen to grab some food at least. Even though her stomach wouldn’t agree she’d eat something because who knew how easy it would be to find food again after today. Shaking her head as she looked at the bread in the kitchen, she placed her hands on the side to keep herself upright, her head was swimming with what she needed to do. How to get them out and what was the best route to take to the Capital. [color=f49ac2][i]I have to avoid Ethan and the rebels. They could be anywhere; I have to keep us hidden. Ergh… can I get him back in one day? It’s going to be a long day if so.[/i][/color] Thinking to herself as her gaze fell on the bread, she wasn’t truly there though. Lost in her thoughts as her gaze locked onto the bread, not even making herself something to eat as she was just focused on figuring out the plan. It felt strange, she could feel her own breathing, the rise and fall of her own chest. It was like everything was going in slow motion for her and she didn’t like it, she couldn’t be going this slow. Not right now. Right now, she needed to working on the plan, escorting him home before anything else bad could happen to him. Heaven forbid what would happen if her father got a hold of him. [color=f49ac2][i]Father…[/i][/color] Wondering what he was doing now, how he had reacted to the Prince going missing. Cringing at the idea he was probably on his own warpath trying to find them at any cost. Iris had began to grip the sides so hard her knuckles turned white in a daze of her own.