[color=f49ac2]“Huh?”[/color] Iris stammered being pulled from her trance as Cas walked over to her, [color=f49ac2]“Oh! No. Gosh. No, I’m okay. Don’t worry about me.”[/color] Shaking her head rather quickly as Cas asked if she was okay, if it had anything to do with last night. Well partly, she was still a mess, but he didn’t need to know that. After all, right now she had to get him home and focusing on that pulled her away from her dark thoughts even just for a moment. [color=f49ac2]“H-Hey. What are you?”[/color] Frowning as he stepped closer and before she could even bat his hand away or move back, he had touched her forehead. [color=f49ac2]“S-Sorry?”[/color] Stuttering her own cheeks flared up, the redness evident against her pale skin as he fumbled around his words on how she was hot, but not like hot hot well apparently, she was. It was kind of cute and she felt her heart twinge, the way he would fumble just like she would and the way he would get embarrassed over the little things. It didn’t help her trying to get over her feelings for him because things like this just attracted her to him. [color=f49ac2]“No I didn’t think you meant it like that… well. No. I… ah…”[/color] Feeling herself stutter around her words she cringed at just how pathetic she must have sounded. Seeing him step back from her, pressing his hand against his own face in embarrassment she smiled softly. Even though he was awkward, well she could be quite awkward too it still warmed her heart. The rise and fall of her own chest had quickened, not just because of the brief closeness but also because of the fever she had developed. Iris was falling unwell, but that would not stop her. He didn’t need to know how she felt, she could brush it off and just say she had a hot shower? He had been asleep, dead to the world he wouldn’t know. [color=f49ac2]“Oh… no. I’m fine. It’s nothing. I’m just warm. Wrapped myself up in plenty of layers last night.”[/color] Laughing nervously as she turned her back to him to get herself some toast, biting the bottom of her lip hoping he would buy it or at least play along so they could get moving. [color=f49ac2]“Let me just eat something. Maisie is just getting us a few things and we can be on our way. I will get you back. Tonight.”[/color] It was quite the promise, she wanted to get him back tonight and it was doable provided they had no problems. Right now, she was the problem, she couldn’t let the fever take over and ruin the plan of getting him back. [color=f49ac2]“It’s going to be quite the walk. I hope you’re ready~”[/color] Trying to be playful and keep the mood light in hopes he would happily latch onto the subject and not bring up the temperature of her skin. [color=f49ac2]“It will be worth it though. It means we can get you home. Were you belong.”[/color]