
[quote][color=9e0b0f][i]"I want to get pizza after this. Madison, Claudette you know anythin' about vampires? I know you two are pretty knowledgeable with this kind of stuff."[/i][/color][/quote]

"I've seen things you wouldn't believe, girl," Madison said to Riley as she crossed her arms against the gate. "... Vampires are not one of them." She shrugged.

"Mine neither," Claudette said. "I know about spirits, but not... vampires? I'm no expert."

But, Madison couldn't help but chuckle a bit at Maya's comment. It did look really stupid. "And girl, please tell me you didn't walk here with [i]that[/i] around your neck?" Another chuckle escaped her lips as she tried to hold it in. 

"... Ahhhh, they may not be experts, but I am," They heard the ghostly voice of Babylon as Emily walked up - the Apparition floated at Emily's side. The girl was wearing black cargo shorts, black-combat boots, a tank top, sunglasses, and [url=https://i.imgur.com/eWmEb7E.jpg] a particular facemask[/url]. She looked at Claudette and said,

"... Where's your disguise?" Emily interrupted.

"Oui, I have a plan, Reed," Claudette answered as Emily shook her head.

"The world of the extra-normal is the gateway to infinite power and [i]infinite[/i] possibilities..." Babylon started as she rested her face against her fist. "An Adept could have cursed these poor souls to be like vampires, they could have made a pact with an Apparition for power in exchange for blood, or... they could just be a bunch of imitators [i]pretending[/i] to be vampires."

Babylon lets the words hang in the air.

"My point is," Babylon started, "Each of those options would give different abilities, and you all should be prepared for [i]anything[/i]. Tata."

Babylon disappeared.