Maisie sighed even as he confirmed that he would do everything in his power to make sure she didn’t suffer, she wanted to believe it. She had to else she wouldn’t let her friend go. Though something told her it wasn’t going to be plain sailing, she knew there was going to be trouble, but she wouldn’t air those concerns. The Prince had given his word and she had to believe in that. “Alright. I will trust you. I will hold you to that word so don’t make me come after you if you break it.” Offering a smile keeping it somewhat light. “Oh, thank you. For folding up the blanket and that. It wasn’t needed but I appreciate it. Maisie nodded as she headed into the kitchen to check on her own supplies and to see if her friend had at least eaten something. She had seen the neat pile of bedding on the sofa and she only assumed it had been him. [color=f49ac2]“Right I have these.”[/color] Iris sighed as she walked back into the room pulling on the hoodie herself before handing one to Cas, it felt good being in fresh clothes and she was glad they had come to Maisies. It had been the right decision, but now it was time to move on and head into the next district. “Ah good, don’t worry about anything okay. You will be fine.” Maisie smiled as she moved back into the room and over to Iris, hands grasping her shoulders as she smiled. “Be careful and try to bypass district eleven if you can. It’s still somewhat in ruins so I doubt you’ll get much resource there.” [color=f49ac2]“Still in ruins?”[/color] Iris questioned confused as her hand went to her head as if it would help her remember, had she known that? “It was pretty recent actually, military targeted it thinking that was base of operations. I don’t think you were here.” Pondering the thought as she took a step back, finger tapping her chin before she shook her head smiling, “No matter. Just move past that one quickly. I’ll explain when you are back from your little adventure.” [color=f49ac2]“Oh. Sure. Right… Eh”[/color] Shaking her head she looked back over at Maisie smiling, [color=f49ac2]“Thank you Maisie. For everything. I really appreciate it.”[/color] Eyes softened as she looked over her friend, the idea of not having her would have only made everything worse. “No bother. Right I’ll message Ethan in twenty minutes okay. You guys need to go now.” Handing Iris the backpack before glancing over at Cas, “There’s more bandages in the backpack for that wound. Try to keep it clean else you’ll lose your arm~” [color=f49ac2]“Be careful…”[/color] Iris couldn’t help but grimace as she pulled on the backpack feeling the weight immediately, Maisie had clearly packed more into it this time. Trying to steady her own breath she could feel her heart beginning to race, the danger of having to sneak through the gates and the fact she felt incredibly warm was not helping. Determined to keep herself focused she gave a small wave to the friend that had helped them before finally leaving the house, she was going to get him back to the Capital today. [color=f49ac2][i]I can do it. It has to be done this way as the longer he is here the more danger he is in[/i][/color]. Thinking to herself as she begun the walk back towards the gate, pulling up the hood on her dark coloured hoodie to keep her face from sight.