Iris cringed at his words; he wasn’t far off of course Ethan knew they were close. They had been friends for years from what her memory was telling her. [color=f49ac2]“I… I don’t know if he will, but I have to hope. Else it will be really difficult and then Maisie will get into trouble and I don’t want that. Not after everything she has done.”[/color] Shaking her head at the idea of her friend getting caught in the crossfire, [color=f49ac2]“She didn’t outwardly say, but the money she gave us is probably her life savings. I’m certain of it because no one has that much money around here.”[/color] Walking through the residential district not many were out, the few people that worked were in their stores trying to keep business open and the others would no doubt be doing some labour style work just to earn enough to get a meal. Thankfully it wasn’t raining, and the weather seemed to be okay, sunny with a few clouds, but it would be perfect for their walk back to the Capital. [color=f49ac2]“I know it may be a lot for me to ask, I know I shouldn’t because I don’t have any leg to stand on really, but if it’s not too much trouble would you repay her? Maisie is not part of the rebellion; she never has been and is just an honest worker trying to get by… I just. I guess I feel bad taking all this help from her.”[/color] Although thinking on it she knew she had a problem accepting help from anyone, how awkward she had been when Cas had helped her giving her a place to stay and buy clothes and necessities so she could get by. She always wanted to repay that kindness but knowing who she was she doubted she could even do that anymore. Rounding the fateful corner, she glanced towards the gate confused, no one was there. Had Ethan already gone for the text? It felt odd there was no one around, no sign of any rebel near the gate and it unsettled her. It only reminded her of how she felt when she first woke that something was wrong, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. [color=f49ac2]“This is strange.”[/color] Whispering to herself as she glanced around, but again there was no one in sight. Should they just go for it? Or was it a trap? [color=f49ac2]“I don’t like this one bit.”[/color] Rubbing her arm as she took a few more moments looking around just to make sure the coast was clear. Letting out a shaking breath she finally moved pushing forward making her way to the gate cautiously glancing around with each step as she was so nervous. Mumbling to herself as she took a step into the eleventh district passing through the gate with no problems, there was no one around to cause any problems. Quickening her pace, she continued to walk into the districts already noting the rubble, the degrading buildings that had clearly been hit. Not many lived in this district and for good reason it seemed as all she could see was ruin. -- Maisie by now had texted Ethan, enacting the plan that they had agreed upon, but she hadn’t expected the news she received back. The little text popped up on her phone and she couldn’t help but gasp, eyes widening in shock as she had to reread it hoping that she was wrong but she wasn't and there was no way she could tell Iris of this news as she didn't have a phone on her. [i]I can’t look, everyone is in an uproar. We are all in fourth district. Regis is dead. Everything is a mess. [/i]