[color=f49ac2]“I don’t know why she did it, but she doesn’t have a bad bone in her body. She see’s the best in everyone and always wants to help.”[/color] Sighing softly as even Iris was confused as to why Maisie had done it, she didn’t want to take the money because she knew that it was the only fund she had. As much as she had a business, it was very slow. There was no way that she’d get it all back in even a couple of weeks because business was bad in Tonseng. Not dwelling on the thought much longer she was relieved to know they hadn’t walked into a trap. The sight of Bel Bicis however caused great concern, the devastation to the district was beyond repair of the people and Iris knew there was no way the Capital would rebuild it. [color=f49ac2]“Don’t you think it’s strange? No one is around. At all. I don’t like it.”[/color] Shaking her head as she couldn’t help but look back at the gate, still no one thankfully. [color=f49ac2]“I don’t think it was the text, something is wrong. I can feel it.”[/color] There was clear worry on her face as she looked around the destruction, the air felt thick with dust and debris that had been caught in the wind. [color=f49ac2]“Such… devastation…”[/color] Not even talking to anyone in particular she grimaced as she walked forward thinking on the best way to get around to the next gate, it would be a fair bit of a walk and they had to be careful especially with the destruction that surrounded them. [color=f49ac2]“It’s a bit of a walk. Can you handle it?”[/color] Whispering as she turned to look at him, her own skin turning a shade paler. The fever was still evident, but Iris could push through it, hopefully by ignoring it she could continue on like it was nothing. She had seen him press his stomach and it concerned her, perhaps there was a wound there they hadn’t treated? Not that they could do much at the moment in this district anyway. Passing through the streets it was clear their journey would not be easy through this district, not with the many obstacles and ruins of buildings blocking some of the paths. [color=f49ac2]“This is going to be dangerous.”[/color] Feeling the chills run up her spine as she looked towards what used to be the town plaza, now in complete ruins but the smell that passed them made her hesitate. It was a stench that could only be described as death, if her body could run cold it would have because she could see the dried blood stains on some of the walls but as she glanced around she caught sight of bodies. Dead from the hit. Placing a hand to her mouth knowing it would stop her from heaving she closed her eyes rooted to the spot. It took all her effort not to fall to her knees and break at the sight. It reminded her of what she had been fighting for, this was what the cause should have been about and not power. There was nothing she could do; nothing would change the fact of what happened to Bel Bicis but it still hurt to see it in such a way.