[color=f49ac2]“I… what.”[/color] Iris whispered to herself as she couldn’t help but look over at the carnage before her, all she could see was the blood. The dead bodies clearly in pain, but long gone for any sort of help. Feeling herself choke at the scene she let out a wrangled noise unable to contain it, it was between a whimper and a cry because she didn’t know how to take it all in. The fever wasn’t helping, the heat was getting to her and making her feel lightheaded and she couldn’t help but look at the broken scene before her. The stench was enough to frighten anyone, but they had to go through here to get to the gate. They would have to stomach it and be brave, but a part of her didn’t know if she could do it anymore. This was what the Capital had done, they had caused this pain and devastation and innocent lives had been lost. It was elders to the young and you could see it all in this plaza.[color=f49ac2] “I didn’t think it was this bad when she said.”[/color] Whispering as she took another step forward although she flinched when a pile of rubble started to tumble down a few feet away just showing them it was unsafe. Feeling the tug on her hand she was pulled to her senses, looking over at Cas she nodded knowing it was best to get through this part of the district. [color=f49ac2]“We have to go this way. This is the way to the gate.”[/color] Pointing further into the plaza, you could see there was a pathway cleared. It wasn’t amazing but it was something they could use, [color=f49ac2]“I’d take the roadway, but there’s traffic and… more danger I guess.”[/color] Gulping she signalled for Cas to follow, her stomach churning away as she walked further in. Raising her hand, she covered her mouth and nose to hide the stench as she walked on trying not to look and the dead bodies or damage around them. Keeping her gaze firmly on the floor all she could see every now and then was the odd blood splatter which was far better than the initial picture they had seen. Pushing further into the carnage she stepped over some rumble continuing their walk into the desolate district. Everyone by now had evacuated, well what was left of the people of this district. [color=f49ac2][i]I can’t believe what happened. I… I need to push through. I can feel a headache[/i][/color]. Trying not to get stuck in her thoughts she walked on biting her lip, the lightheaded feeling wasn’t going away, and she could feel with each footstep it was getting worse. Trying to blink it away she continued to walk trying to focus on her breathing and not on how devastated the town was. [color=f49ac2]“This way.”[/color] Whispering to Cas as she picked up her pace trying to get out of the plaza, heading towards the now demolished residential area as the gate would be a bit further on from that. Taking a moment to breathe she had to stop, her hand leaning on a crumbled building as she could feel her heart rate quicken. Breaths getting shorter as she felt like she was beginning to see double.