[right][sub][color=423f3f] ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 𝟷 | ᴘᴀʀᴛ 𝟷[/color][/sub][/right]

Mirai watched with a keeled expression as each of her teammates arrived in ways unique to them. The observations were interesting to her, how expressive they all were even without speaking or doing much. Shunbin’s greeting was short and Mirai responded with little more than a lingering glance, she hadn’t formed an opinion on him yet and treated him like she did everyone else around her. 

Next was Suzuki, who Mirai responded to with a nod. While their personalities didn’t quite click, Suzuki had proven herself to be quite reliable and was much more forthright than any of the Nagaichi clan members, and Mirai could appreciate that quality in a person. Though the same couldn’t be said for the next two people to enter the field, both of which Mirai could promptly do without seeing again. Ryouzan’s faults in Mirai’s eyes was his disposition, kindness wasn’t something a shinobi needed. Kindness made you hesitate in the heat of battle, and encouraged you to throw away a mission to protect cornered teammates, it was useless for the life they chose. Nothing had occurred yet and Ryouzan seemed adequate enough during training, but Mirai wasn’t too inclined on waiting for the day when his kindness would be used against him. [b]Especially[/b] if she’s around to witness it.

Rude as it was, she looked away from him when he decided to greet her, why he went so far to include her in that noise despite the obvious dislike he carried was beyond her. Mirai stood up from her spot, assuming the last, and [i]the least[/i] of their dysfunctional party was a moment away from gracing them all with his presence.

[b][color=26BD7B]“Oi, losers!”[/color][/b]

Ah, right on cue. Mirai ignored the urge to kick the late-arriving nuisance onto his ass, and responded to his lovely greeting with a sharp shoulder as he passed by. The hard look from Kameyo had the teen girl crossing her arms in front of her sensei, sporting her trademark look of disinterest as she ceased the little bit of “normalcy” Ryuunosuke seemed to pull out of her from time to time.

Kameyo’s short story offered little inspiration to Mirai, being faced with death was something she had not only experienced but already conquered. Though goals and dreams? Did she even have dreams?-

[color=7a2123][b]“Power.”[/b][/color] Mirai spoke clearly and let a soft sigh precursor the coming explanation as Kameyo signaled for her to continue, [color=7a2123][b] “I don’t want to be the next head of my clan nor the leader of this village, but I want to be strong enough for myself and to protect the things that might become important to me later on.”[/b][/color]

Kameyo nodded as Mirai finished, expecting the answer she offered, but it was good enough. Next up was the straggler, her eyes landed on his face, eyebrow slightly raised in a way to quell any foolishness he’d think to spew from his mouth. She wanted honesty, and she wasn’t asking much of them so they could appease her.

