[center][sub][h3]Kayla[/h3][/sub][/center][hr] Kayla pulled again against 'Pa's' neck with the chain as he clawed at the metal around his throat in a desperate bid to free himself. The heat in the chain traveled further down the chain, the molten metal transitioning from red to yellow as it became hotter and hotter- with the red hot ends of the chain getting closer and closer to the man's neck. Choked screams began coming from that man's throat as the chain branded it's pattern into the sides of his throat. Kayla was more than happy to leave it, to let the brand go deeper, to make him suffer more for sending a man to break into [i]her[/i] home and hurt [i]her[/i] dog... but the sound of a gunshot tapered the rage in her hot blooded attack. Her grip slackened, and she dropped the molten chains to stand up. The head vampire she had been beating did not rise with her, too focused on attempting to breath than anything else. She whistled a low, monotonous tone, and Oleander was instantly circling the the downed man in case his beating wasn't lesson enough. "Stay." she snapped to the man, rather than Oleander. Some of the vampires had firearms. Firearms meant injury, and drawing loads of unnecessary attention. The alarm had gone off now though, and if there were any police in the area, a gunshot was sure to draw them in. She sighed, it was close to time to end this. [i]How many?[/i] [i]Five.[/i] That disembodied voice answered her. Her eyes felt like they moved without her say so, dragging her to details she had [i]seen[/i] but hadn't paid enough attention to, to notice. Revolvers, rifles, and shotguns. Kayla's eyes darted to the shotgun that the head vampire had possessed before he had been effectively dropped. Her eyes went to the various firearms again, she took a breath in, and snapped her fingers. It was impossible to see from an outsider's perspective, but she focused on the chambers of the guns- subtly raising their temperature while dropping their spark point and in a moment, like marvelous, dangerous fireworks, the ammunition inside the firearms began [i]exploding[/i] in a brilliant chain reaction. It was loud as all hell, because it [i]was[/i] live ammunition she was setting off, but it was effective. Burning hot shrapnel was everywhere, one of the vampires had almost shot one of their own. Some of their hands were disfigured from holding what Kayla had deftly turned into improvised explosives. She turned back to the man she had beaten down earlier, and pulled him up by the chain that was around his neck- seemingly completely unaffected by how hot the chain still was. "Don't fuck with me, old man." she hissed, roughly twisting the chain so that the metal links bit into the burnt skin on his neck. "You got a problem, you take it up with me. All nice like, and I'll take it up with you, just as nice like." The shoved him back into the ground and stood back to her full height. "Girls! Finish your business! We're getting out of here!" she just about roared, not wanting to stick around any longer in case any law enforcement was on the way. She began taking a step towards the gate of the neighborhood, but stopped. Kayla decided to say one last thing to the downed leader. "I'll see you next week, Bill. Hope Les' arm heals up well enough." She looked from him to the rest of The Coven, and made for the gate.