Grimacing as he questioned back asking why she was so determined she couldn’t openly say what the true meaning was because then it would only admit to the feelings she was trying to hide. [color=f49ac2]“I just… I just feel like every moment you’re here only makes it worse for all of the people both here and the Capital. You need a really doctor to look at the wound on your arm and I just need to get you back.”[/color] [color=f49ac2][i]Because it will ease my guilt? No. I will never forgive myself for what I did but seeing him back in safety will certainly ease my mind and remind me nothing can ever happen[/i][/color]. Another wave of thoughts passed her by as they pressed on. It was hard not to sway, her body felt heavy finding it hard to move but she forced herself to keep on. A part of her still stubborn at moving tonight. Frowning when he posed his own option of moving when she didn’t look like she was about to keel over. [color=f49ac2][i]Surely, I don’t look bad? It’s just a fever[/i][/color]. Trying to convince herself as she felt his grip tighten supporting her more sending another wave of guilt through her because he was injured. It had taken a few doors to try, each home in dismay scattered with dead. Unable to contain her shudder at the fact most people in this district was dead. It had been a stroke of luck to find an empty home but a part of her wondered why, where they just out? Would they return? Or were they just dead in the plaza, bodies they had already passed beyond help. Feeling the sofa beneath her she couldn’t help but sigh, her body felt heavy and it was just nice to sit down even though she had been protesting the idea of rest. Although at his next comment she went to protest again at the idea of him checking to make sure no one else was here, how would he fight them off if someone was? What if there were rebels around just waiting for them? What if they had been tracked here? All those thoughts started to swim around and just panic her further. Trying to push herself off of the sofa to assist him she frowned as she couldn’t even do that, her body had weakened demanding rest as if she had overdone it but she was too stubborn to admit it. Her attempts had been feeble so instead she tried to relax after realising she was going nowhere, but it was difficult. Waiting with bated breath for Cas to return she couldn’t help but let out a shaky breath when he had given the all clear. It was empty, no one was here except them. Though the idea that they were surrounded by dead bodies in homes around them did unsettle her. Struggling to remove the backpack from her shoulders she leaned forward finally pulling the thing off, placing it beside her on the floor as she looked towards Cas. [color=f49ac2]“I don’t know. As I said medicine is difficult to come by. We usually just ride them out or push through them.”[/color] Shrugging her shoulders as she leaned back on the sofa exhausted. With little sleep and an unsettled stomach, it did feel good to sit down for a moment, but it hadn’t helped her double vision or the fact she was now feeling extremely cold even though her skin was on fire.