[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/507743496686403586/701624413757374464/Jessica_banner.png[/img][/center] [quote=Madison]"Say, Jess," Madison asked, "You know who we're missing? I really don't want to go back there looking for who we're missing." [/quote] Jess looked around the small restaurant, sipping on her cherry shake. Emily and Maya had made it back, so that was good. [color=f26522]"I don't see Lyss, Herik, Kayla, or Riley."[/color] Jess stated. She had to admit she was a little worried for them. Really hoped they hadn't gotten picked up by the cops or something. [color=f26522]"Fuck. I hope they're alright."[/color] She expressed as she sat back in her chair, subconsciously rubbing her wounded leg with her free hand. Funny how much a cut can hurt when you aren't jacked up on adrenaline. She looked around again, taking a mental note of everyone's injuries. No one seemed too hurt, other than the fact that Sin was barely conscious when she arrived, but she got better! Babylon mentioned something about nude Emily. That would have been a funny site, and Jess saw Emily as just the kind of girl to do something so controversial, yet so brave. [color=f26522]"Aww, what's wrong Emily? Didn't wanna give all the LGBT members of the coven plus Herik a reward for stomping Vampire ass?" [/color]She chuckled jokingly, not afraid of Emily. She didn't [i]hate[/i] her or anything, but definitely she could loosen up and take it easier on some of the girls. [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/507743496686403586/701613021134323853/Elise_banner.png[/img][/center] Ellie was reviewing, adding, and fixing her notes in her journal while everyone new arrived. She no longer had her bloody nose or puffy cheeks, those had disappeared in an instant when Izzy had patted her head. Ellie had shifted to a seat to be next to Izzy and Sin, since the two had been pretty nice to her today. She was touched by Sin's sappy thank you, and Izzy had given her a lively thumbs up. They were too nice to not let them know that she was appreciative. Unfortunately, all that really meant is that she sat near them. Emily entered after a while, and Elise looked up to see who it was. Oh. Her. Elise noticed the stare she received and returned it. She wasn't in the mood for Emily and really hoped she'd do the ignore Ellie route rather than the fuck with Ellie route. Maya also came in shortly after. She seemed a bit like she had a headache. She brought up a good question too. Where [i]was[/i] Kayla? And the others for that matter. [color=00aeef]"She's not back yet..."[/color] Ellie replied to Maya meekly. [color=00aeef]"I could try to see if I could spot anyone who's not here back at the place."[/color] She added. [color=00aeef]"I can see remotely anywhere I've been before... I could at least see if they got taken by police."[/color] Her voice was quiet, but Sin, Izzy, and anyone near them would have heard her clearly.